Dassault Systemes Interview Experience for Java Spring Boot Developer Product Base 3+ YOE 7th Of May 2024

The interview process began with an online contact from a recruiter via Naukri. She took a few details of mine and scheduled the interviews.

Online Test: No

Technical Rounds :

Round 1 : (1 hour 17 min)

This round started with an introduction of each and the interviewer was impressed with the projects that I have done till now, he was curious more so, he discussed my projects for around 10 minutes, and later on, he jumped on a few questions to check my knowledge of java along with coding question.

Coding question: find the second largest element in the array (https://www.w3wiki.net/find-second-largest-element-array/). I gave the basic solution for this TC is O(n log n ) and SC: O(1) then he asked me what is the algorithm that is being used in the built sort function that I have used in the program and asked for Time complexity. After this he asked me to optimize the solution So I gave another solution using a for loop two times So TC is O(2 * n) == O(n) and SC O(1) So he was little bit satisfied and asked me to do the same solution in one pass. So I provided him a single pass solution as well TC is O(n) and SC is O(1) and later on he modified the question instead of getting the value he wanted me to get the index as well as the value. So a small change is needed I have done that and he looks satisfied then.

He asked lots of Java and Spring Boot Questions:
Java :

Java 8 features, what happens if not override equals and hashcode and give examples, and use of static and final keywords (at class level, method level, and variable level), Internal working of hashMap, collections that I have used when to use list and when to use ArrayList with example. Gave a few situations to figure out which data structure will work, race condition, what is callByRefrence in Java, CallBack in Java, interface vs abstract class after java 8, overload vs overriding with examples, and where to use.

Spring Boot :
Difference between @RestController vs @Controller, What is @SprintBootApplication annotation, How can we connect multiple databases in Spring Boot.

Round 2 : (1 hour )
The same interviewer took my second round So a bit typical as he already knew what I Know

Java :
Singleton Design pattern, wrote a code for this, and then asked me to make this thread-safe, and then he asked about the Builder Design patter where I used this in my project and why and later on he asked me to write a code for Builder pattern and asked for explain too. what is concurrent package, callable vs future etc.
Spring Boot :
What is Java Spring MVC and how you utilized the MVC pattern in your projects, what is the userController and How data is being created. How data is creating using POJO Class, suppose you are having code for getEmployee() in java now how can you make RestApi for this. Mapping the data in JAVA, Spring security OAuth2.0,
Some situational bases question regarding API’s, Application to Application communication, communication between backed to frontend, Request param vs Path param, what is @RestController, @GetMapping annotation
Different mapping methods and the difference between PUT and PATCH and GET vs POST.
Can we take more than 50 records using getAPI method ?
Hibernate in spring boot, mapping of java class to a table using JPA and ask about foreign key Mapping with example of Employee class,
asked some question on unit testing.

Managerial Round :

Round 3 :
Before this they asked me to fill one document to check my mindset and In the managerial round they asked few question from it. Overall It was simple and straight forward round :
Why do you want to join Dassault ?
Why are you looking for a Job in 3 years as your 3rd company.
Why do you left your first firm ?
Tell me something if you have achieved/earned a moment to be proud till now
How you want to be your manager.
Why do you want to manage team and why smaller size not bigger one.
and this sort of question were there.


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