Project Idea | Women Safety

Project Title: Women Safety Empower Introduction: We are probably living in the worst time our modern society has ever seen in terms of women security. We aim to make women feel as strong as ever and strong enough to fight the parasites of our society, strong enough to fight the odds, strong enough to protect themselves against any sexual assaults. We aim at giving power to those without whom we cease to exist. Our idea is to design a system which shall make every place and every hour safer for women again. A system which shall re-establish how very gregarious mankind is. This system shall geotag and send SOS alert to the nearest police station, close contacts and also alert people in and around the venue of the crime, everything just at a click of a button. The idea is to make up for the time it takes police to arrive at the location. Problems:Among the worst countries in crime, India has an abhorrent track record in all forms of sexual exploitation. In homes, on streets, in public transports and even offices. Indian women are in a constant state of vigilance, like a country on terrorist alert. There have been grotesque cases of rapes of toddlers, gang rape of eight years old and women trafficking. We have created a nation where women are learning to cope with existential anxiety and we should be ashamed. A lot of NGOs, rehabilitation centres and helpline numbers have been made operational in the past years but they are all cures to the harassment that has already happened and not the ‘preventions’ that we need. There are certain pre-existing apps that do send a message to the saved contacts but none of them is effective and quick enough and according to a survey, the existing technology doesn’t make most women feel safe. A major change in the basic structure and a few add-ons to these is a necessity. In a lot of cases, it is observed that women do not file a complaint against the accused because of various reasons like not knowing the correct authority to report it to or feeling ashamed/guilty about the incident. Objective: We are focusing on building an effective, fast and reliant system to make the women of India feel safe and empowered. Our platform will act as a 24/7 active help and companion for women so that they don’t ever feel that they are alone in the middle of a crisis situation. It will unite and enable the citizens of India and the police to work towards a common problem. This tool will act as eyes and ears for the police and help them in preventing crimes against women. This tool has been designed in a manner that it covers the various situations a woman can be stuck in like when she is alone or when she is in a crowded place or when she is in a public transport etc. Implementation: The users need to register themselves on the app by creating their own account. This app service shall be a one-time registration, the users are required to fill in their basic details at the time of registration. After making an account user would be qualified to use all the services intended to protect and empower them. Services include an automated distress SOS to the nearest police station and to her emergency contacts, not only this the app will also automatically send in distress signals to the nearby people within a specified radius with a live location. The user can also lodge an FIR against the alleged person which shall be geotagged on the digital map and timestamped. We also look forward to ensure women safety in public transport, we propose that every public transport is it a bus, cab or an autorickshaw shall be fitted with a GPS device which will be monitored by the police at all times. The GPS monitoring shall be locally distributed among the police and their mobile patrolling units i.e., they will be monitoring only over a certain area which is within their reach depending upon their standing location. The marker colour on the digital map will change to red once any user travelling in that particular vehicle clicks on the panic button in the app. Every public transport must be fitted with a CCTV camera the footage of which will be visible to the police in case the marker goes red. The live location of the vehicle will help the police to track them down efficiently and faster, apart from this vehicles will also be fitted with a siren which shall go off under such circumstances and only the police or the overwatch authority can put them off. On the user app, there will be a navigation drawer which shall hold the basic details of the user and the screen other than that shall hold only one big button which shall be the panic button. Panic Button: On clicking this button the app sends in a distress message and a live location of the user to the nearest police station and to the ones selected as “close contacts”. The app will also send in a distress message and a live location link to all mobile phones then residing within a given radius from the location of the user. In case the user clicks the button while in a public transport, the system recognises the vehicle and marks it red on the map which is being monitored by the police. NOTE: Every click on the panic button shall automatically lodge a time-stamped FIR which shall also be geotagged. The user can later fill in the details of the report once the circumstances are permissible. Navigation Drawer: The user can change their basic information and add/change their close contacts in this drawer. NOTE: Every user while registering into the app would be authenticated by their AADHAAR no. in order to maintain a foolproof system. The concerned authorities will be operating using a web portal where they shall have access to the digital map for user locations and to monitor public transport locations and shall be authorised to view the live CCTV footage of any vehicle at any point of time. Police can acknowledge their arrival to a user when a distress call arises in their watch. Team

  • Rahul Poddar
  • Pragya Kapoor

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.

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