Project Idea | Road Accident Safety System

Project Title: Road Accident Safety System

Introduction: In India there are many deaths approximately more than 150000 deaths due to road accidents and this rate keeps increasing year by year and the main reason behind this is lack of accident-prone area caution boards. So, basically the idea of “Road accident safety system” is to help the citizens by using a mobile application regarding safety alerts while moving on the road based on the location and if the accident occurs it also provides the help feature which will send a message or call to the predetermined persons. This application shows the heat map of accident points. This Application works only with Mobile Data / Wi-Fi and also user needs to activate the Location / GPS Settings for getting the Accurate Point in the Map and also to get alert about an accident-prone area the application must be running in the foreground.

Software Architecture:

  • React Native and NativeBase for the frontend.
  • PHP for handling backend of a web interface.
  • MySql for a database (used 000webhost for real-time web hosting).


    The design of this project is divided into three phases as described below:

  1. UI design: In this phase, the UI or the user interface of the project is developed. That is, the designing of the pages of the application which the user will use to interact.
  2. Database design: The database is considered to be the main pillars of every project. In our application, a database is used to store user details such as name, email, password, emergency contact number and other relation stores the accident details like accident coordinate, date, time, severity etc.
  3. System design: In this phase, a complete data flow diagram of the working system is designed. This data flow diagram will show the data transfers from one process to another process.

Working of application:

  1. Login/Sign up:
    • If a user is not registered then he/she has to signup for this application, where a user has to give name, email, password and emergency contact number.
    • If the user is registered then he/she can log in by entering email and password.

  2. Home Screen:
    • Once a user is successfully logged in then application opens the home screen page.
    • Home screen page displays the heat maps which are the accident points and also shows the user current location.
    • A user can navigate the map to see the heat maps of different areas.
    • The home screen has three buttons, one for reporting an accident, one for current location and one for drawer navigator.
    • While traveling when a user enters the accident-prone areas, the application shows the safety alert on the screen with vibration.

  3. Current location button:
    By pressing this button the application shows the current location of the user on the map.
  4. Adding Accident:
    • By pressing this button user is redirected to a new page where the user has to provide the marker(coordinate) for accident location.
    • After providing the accident location, a user is asked for the date, time, severity, number of vehicles involved in the accident.

  5. Drawer navigator:
    • Drawer navigator provides basic features.
    • Drawer navigator has a home button which redirects to the home screen from any screen.
    • Drawer navigator has a profile button which displays the user details. A user can also update some information like password, name, emergency contact number.
    • Drawer navigator has a share button which is useful for sharing this application easily on WhatsApp, text message etc.
    • Drawer navigator has an emergency button which will be useful in case of emergency or accident. By pressing this button, it will redirect to another screen which has the options to call on emergency contact number, SMS the current location to emergency contact number and also to call the police and ambulance.
    • Drawer navigator has the log out button which will log out the user from application.

    Future Enhancements:

  1. We can apply the neural networks clustering algorithm like K-means etc. for
    finding the efficient Accident prone area.
  2. We can also increase the efficiency for finding the accident-prone area by dividing the google maps into blocks and find the accident-prone areas of only one block in which user is present.
  3. We also take an input of time, date, severity, number of vehicles involved, So we can run the important queries like in which particular time the most of the accident occurs, average severity of accidents in one month etc.
  4. We can also take the reasons of accident from users to deduce the reason for that area to be accident prone and we can also inform the respective authorities so that necessary steps should be taken.
  5. We can provide the feature in which a user enters the starting point and destination point and application shows the different paths with the number of accidents occurred in each path.

Team Members:

  1. Dharmil Gandhi
  2. Raj Jakasaniya
  3. Dhruv Patel
  4. Karan Master

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.

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