Programming ESP8266 Board From Arduino IDE

ESP8266 is a cost-effective and highly integrated Wi-Fi MCU for IoT applications. It has multiple uses, in various kinds of projects. You may use an ESP8266 chip or it may be an ESP8266 based NodeMCU development board, to develop your project. 

If you want to work on this ESP8266 and want to program this using the Arduino IDE, you cannot directly upload your code to ESP8266, because it doesn’t have an ESP8266 library and Board Manager by default.

You need to add extra features on Arduino IDE to upload your code to the ESP8266 board.

How to enable ESP8266 board code uploading?

Follow the below steps to enable ESP8266 board code uploading:

Step 1: Adding the ESP8266 Boards Manager URL to the Arduino IDE Board Manager links

  • Go to Menu > File > Preferences.

  • Go to Additional Board Manager URLs. Then add this link to the box.
  • Now click on the OK button.

Step 2: Installing the ESP8266 Board Library:

  • Go to Menu > Tools > Board > Boards Manager.

  • Search ESP in the box and install the library esp8266 and close the box.

Now, you will get an option of ESP8266 board in the tools > boards > boards section for programming your ESP8266 from Arduino IDE.

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