Top 10 Products Exported From Canada by List

Canada exports a variety of products to countries around the world. Among the top exports are natural resources like crude oil which is used for energy and natural gas. Canada also sells a lot of cars and vehicle parts, as well as machinery and equipment.

Other significant exports include minerals like gold and aluminium, along with agricultural products such as wheat and canola. These exports play an important role in Canada’s economy, contributing to its overall prosperity and trade relationships with other nations.

We have explained the list of products exported from Canada.

List of Products Exported From Canada

Here are the top 10 products exported from Canada.



Oil Drilling & Gas Extraction


Petroleum Refining


SUV & Light Truck Manufacturing


Aircraft, Engine & Parts Manufacturing


Copper, Zinc & Lead Refining


Plastics and Rubber

$17.3 B

Aluminum Manufacturing


Wheat Farming


Coal Mining


Margarine & Cooking Oil Processing


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How big is the Export Market in Canada?

In 2022, Canada exported a total of $587 billion ranking it as the 9th largest exporter globally. Over the past five years, Canada’s exports have increased by $181 billion, rising from $406 billion in 2017 to $587 billion in 2022.

Oil Drilling & Gas Extraction

Oil drilling and gas extraction in Canada have seen significant growth due to higher prices and increased investment in production. However, the industry faced challenges during the pandemic in 2020 with falling prices after lockdowns. As the economy reopened, the demand for oil and gas rebounded, leading to a surge in prices and revenue.

Despite a decline of 22.2% in 2023 overall revenue is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4% to $173.5 billion over the five years to 2023. Profitability has also been variable, with many companies experiencing below-zero profits during the pandemic before recovering as economic conditions improved.

Petroleum Refining

The money earned by the Canadian petroleum refining industry has been up and down. The main thing they make is products from crude oil, and how much they make depends a lot on how much crude oil costs. In 2017, after a bad year in 2016 the industry made a lot more money for two years in a row. But in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and oil prices dropped the industry made less money.

After the pandemic, when demand for oil went up again and there were problems getting oil, prices shot up and so did the industry’s earnings in 2021 and 2022. Overall, the industry’s earnings are expected to go up by an average of 4.0% each year until 2023, reaching $104.7 billion. But in 2023, they predict earnings will drop by 12.0% because oil prices won’t be as high.

SUV & Light Truck Manufacturing

Revenue for SUV and light truck manufacturers in Canada is expected to go down in 2023. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of problems and the economy has been uncertain. Most of the money these manufacturers make comes from selling their vehicles overseas, especially to the United States, where over 95% of their exports go.

Even though the US economy got better after the worst of the pandemic, the Canadian manufacturers haven’t been able to make as many vehicles as before. Over the last five years, the industry has been going down by an average of 7.4% every year, and in 2023, they predict they’ll make $34.4 billion, which is a decrease of about 0.7%.

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Aircraft, Engine & Parts Manufacturing

Revenue for aircraft, engine, and parts manufacturing has been going down over the last five years because of unstable economic conditions. In Canada, the industry is known for making different kinds of aircraft, like business planes, small commercial planes, helicopters, and engines. The COVID-19 pandemic hit the industry hard because people weren’t traveling as much.

Over the last five years, the industry’s revenue has been decreasing by about 3.3% every year, and in 2023, they think they’ll make about $21.5 billion. That’s a little better than before, with a predicted increase of 3.7% in 2023 because more people are starting to travel again.

Copper, Zinc & Lead Refining

Copper, zinc, and lead refineries in Canada take ores from miners and make them into metals like gold and silver. This is because when the economy is uncertain, people tend to invest in safer things like gold. When manufacturing and construction are up the prices of metals like copper and nickel go up too. This means refineries can charge more for their metals. But when the economy is more stable, metal prices go down, which hurts refineries’ revenue.

However, Canadian metal producers are getting better at lowering their costs, which helps them make more money. Overall, metal refineries in Canada are expected to grow by about 1.3% every year for the next five years, but they might see a drop of 3.2% in 2023 alone.

Plastics and Rubber

Plastics and rubber manufacturing in Canada involves making products like plastic bottles, tires, and other rubber items. These industries have faced challenges due to factors like changing consumer preferences and environmental concerns. For example, as people become more aware of environmental issues, there is been a shift towards using biodegradable materials instead of traditional plastics. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted supply chains and affected demand for certain products. Despite these challenges the plastics and rubber industries continue to innovate and adapt, with a focus on sustainability and technological advancements. Overall, while the industries may face short-term challenges, they remain important contributors to Canada’s manufacturing sector.

Aluminum Manufacturing

Canadian aluminum manufacturers make different aluminum products from alumina to finished sheets and foil. Aluminum is light, strong, doesn’t rust, conducts electricity well, and can be recycled. It is used in many things like cars, planes, and packaging. Most of Canada’s aluminum is sold to the United States, so Canadian companies rely a lot on selling overseas.

In the past five years, the industry’s revenue grew by 2.3% each year, and it’s expected to reach $16.5 billion in 2024, with a 1.7% increase. This growth is mostly because aluminum prices and exports are going up. Even though labor costs went down, the cost of buying materials went up, so profit stayed about the same.

Wheat Farming

Canadian wheat farms have been growing steadily despite economic ups and downs until 2023. The industry relies a lot on selling wheat to other countries, which got easier after the Canadian Wheat Board stopped restricting how farms could sell their wheat in 2012. Prices for wheat around the world went up, so Canadian farms made more money. Canada started trading more with new and growing economies, which helped farmers find new buyers. Even though wheat prices went down a bit in 2023, overall wheat farming revenue is expected to keep growing at about 4.2% every year, reaching about $15.3 billion by the end of 2023.

Coal Mining

Companies in Canada’s coal mining industry have seen big changes in the prices of coal. Over the past five years revenue from Canadian coal mining has been going up by about 11.3% every year. But in 2023, revenue is expected to drop by 32.3%, although profits are set to go up by 32.1%. This industry mainly deals with two types of coal: metallurgical coal, used for making steel, and thermal coal, used for making energy. At the beginning of this period there was too much coal in the world and not enough people buying it so prices and revenue went down. But between 2016 and 2018, prices went back up so revenue did too. Even though demand for coal has been going up lately and prices are rising, Canada is slowly getting rid of coal-fired power plants, which means there’s less need for coal, affecting the industry.

Margarine & Cooking Oil Processin

Margarine and cooking oil makers have seen big growth lately. Prices of the stuff they use to make their products went up a lot so they had to charge more for their products. They also spent a lot of money on making their factories better which helped them make more stuff. Even when the pandemic started, they didn’t lose much business because everyone still needed their products for cooking.

They also sold a lot of stuff to other countries which helped them grow even more. But sometimes there were problems selling stuff to China because of issues between countries. Overall, the industry’s revenue has been going up by about 9.4% every year for the past five years. But in 2023, revenue is expected to go down by about 5.4%.


Canada exports many things to other countries. Some of these are natural resources like oil, gas, and metals. Canada exports farm products such as wheat and canola as well as manufactured goods like cars and machines. These exports help Canada’s economy by creating jobs and making money. Sometimes there are challenges, but Canada keeps finding new markets to sell its goods to which helps keep its economy strong.

Top 10 Products Exported From Canada – FAQs

What is Canada’s most exported product?

Over the past five years, Canada’s exports have gone up by $109 billion, from $375 billion in 2016 to $484 billion in 2021. The top exports recently include Crude Petroleum at $81.2 billion, Cars at $29 billion, Petroleum Gas at $15 billion, Gold at $14.3 billion, and Sawn Wood at $13.3 billion.

What products are exported from Canada to India?

In 2021, Canada sold goods worth $3 billion to India. The top exports from Canada to India included Coal Briquettes at $708 million, Dried Legumes at $330 million, and Crude Petroleum at $234 million. Over the past 26 years, Canada’s exports to India have grown steadily at an average rate of 8.89% annually, starting from $327 million in 1995 to reach $3 billion in 2021.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected Canada’s export market?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Canada’s export market by disrupting supply chains, reducing global demand, and causing fluctuations in commodity prices.

How big is Canada’s economy?

World Economics estimates that Canada’s GDP is $2.145 trillion, which is 11% bigger than the official estimates. This data for 2023 is calculated using the growth rate estimates from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) applied to World Economics’ GDP data.

What is the main crop of Canada?

Major field crops grown in Canada are wheat, canola, mustard, barley, ryes, oat, maize, soybean, and pulse crops, which account for 90% of the total agricultural crop area.

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