Top 10 Products Exported From Canada

What is Canada’s most exported product?

Over the past five years, Canada’s exports have gone up by $109 billion, from $375 billion in 2016 to $484 billion in 2021. The top exports recently include Crude Petroleum at $81.2 billion, Cars at $29 billion, Petroleum Gas at $15 billion, Gold at $14.3 billion, and Sawn Wood at $13.3 billion.

What products are exported from Canada to India?

In 2021, Canada sold goods worth $3 billion to India. The top exports from Canada to India included Coal Briquettes at $708 million, Dried Legumes at $330 million, and Crude Petroleum at $234 million. Over the past 26 years, Canada’s exports to India have grown steadily at an average rate of 8.89% annually, starting from $327 million in 1995 to reach $3 billion in 2021.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected Canada’s export market?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Canada’s export market by disrupting supply chains, reducing global demand, and causing fluctuations in commodity prices.

How big is Canada’s economy?

World Economics estimates that Canada’s GDP is $2.145 trillion, which is 11% bigger than the official estimates. This data for 2023 is calculated using the growth rate estimates from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) applied to World Economics’ GDP data.

What is the main crop of Canada?

Major field crops grown in Canada are wheat, canola, mustard, barley, ryes, oat, maize, soybean, and pulse crops, which account for 90% of the total agricultural crop area.

Top 10 Products Exported From Canada by List

Canada exports a variety of products to countries around the world. Among the top exports are natural resources like crude oil which is used for energy and natural gas. Canada also sells a lot of cars and vehicle parts, as well as machinery and equipment.

Other significant exports include minerals like gold and aluminium, along with agricultural products such as wheat and canola. These exports play an important role in Canada’s economy, contributing to its overall prosperity and trade relationships with other nations.

We have explained the list of products exported from Canada.

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