Process and Control Specification in Software Engineering

The process and control specifications help us to create mechanisms to show that the software developers can have a basic understanding of what they are going to develop for a particular company and understand the goals of a particular software more easily.

Table of Content

  • What is Process Specification in Software Engineering?
  • What is Control Specification in Software Engineering?
  • Advantages of Process and Control Specification
  • Disadvantages of Process and Control Specification
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

They give a detailed report about the overall process and the control required for the development and management of a specific software or system.

What is Process Specification in Software Engineering?

In the process specification, we describe the overall process required for the development of a particular software or system. It works by giving detailed documentation about how a particular software needs to be made such as the steps and tasks involved in the development of the process and the process on how to maintain the project once it’s completed. It has the documentation for the bug reporting as well.

In process specification, the work starts with the testers who test for various types of bugs that can be found in the system or software and then they report these bugs to the manager, once the report has been submitted the manager selects the team and gives them the task to fix these bugs.


Suppose, a guy named Rakesh works at a small software development team and they develop a mobile app. Then one day a user reports a bug that he is not able to submit the form in the app. To fix this bug using the process specification method, we can follow the below steps:

  • Step 1: Identify the Bug: The first step is to identify the details of the bug. The testers go through the process of finding the bug and checking how it works then they move to the next step.
  • Step 2: Log the Bug: In this step, the testers log the bug which means that they identified that the bug exists and now they want the team to find a proper fix for the bug.
  • Step 3: Assign Priority for the Bug: When the testers log the bug, they also need to assign priority for the bug which means that the bugs that are critical for the system are fixed on a more priority basis than the less priority bugs.
  • Step 4: Fixing the Bug: In this step, the developers work the fix the bug by understanding how they can solve the bug and then fix the bug.
  • Step 5: Verifying the Fix: In this step, the developers verify the fix for the bug so that they know for sure that they have fixed the bug that existed in the first place before moving to the final step.
  • Step 6: Updating the Status of Bug: After making sure that the bug is fixed, the final step is to update the status of the bug so that the manager and other members of the team can know that the bug has been fixed successfully.

What is Control Specification in Software Engineering?

The control specification is used in software engineering to maintain control of the software. It helps us to create a clear process and set of rules that can define the control of the system. By defining the control specification, we can have a better understanding of the system. It also helps in the performance optimization of the system which is the main reason why we should implement control specifications in software development.

Components of Control Specification

There are some components of the control specification that we must know so that we have a good understanding of the control specification used in software engineering. Those components include:

1. Concurrency Control: Concurrency is an important factor in software development. It defines a set of mechanisms that can help us manage the resources that are being shared among one or more tasks so that there is consistency in the data, it also makes sure that we have synchronized data in the system.

2. Authorization and Access Control: Authorization control and access control help us to define a set of rules for the users so that we can help the users log in or visit pages that they are authorized to visit and protect unauthorized access to the functions of the system.

3. Error Handling: Whenever we create software we have chances that we may get errors in the future, so it is important to have some functions that can handle the errors when it is required. This is where the error handling comes in, we use the error handling of the control specification to define the various steps, the software should take when there is an error in the system.

4. Input Validation: We can understand the input validation with the help of an example, whenever we create passwords or usernames for websites and apps, we are presented with certain rules for entering, what we want, we can not enter special symbols in usernames this is known as input validation and it helps us to validate the data.

Advantages of Process and Control Specification

The process and control specification in software engineering has many benefits which can help in the development of software projects faster and also give high-quality software. So let’s take a look at some of the advantages of the process and control specification:

  • Consistency: The process and control specification is helpful because it helps to make sure that the development is performed accordingly.
  • Quality Measures: The process and the control specification also include some quality measures such as code reviews and testing procedures
  • Risk Management: Risk management is also one of the benefits provided by the process and control specification and it helps us to identify and manage the risks involved in the projects.
  • Benefit of Continuous Improvement: There is also a benefit of continuous improvement because by using these methods we get a framework for the working team.

Disadvantages of Process and Control Specification

Now that we have discussed the various advantages that we get by using the process and control specification, let’s also take a look at the drawbacks of the process and control specification:

  • Specification Causes Overhead: The process and control specification can have too much detail which can cause more resources such as time and effort.
  • Resistance to Change: There is also a resistance to change in the specifications, that we may face when we are trying to use these specifications.
  • Mismatch with Project Needs: There can also be a mismatch in the needs of the project because one type of project requirements and specifications doesn’t need to work for another type of project.
  • Resource Intensive: These specifications require a lot of documentation which can be both time consuming as well as resource intensive for the development team.


Process and control specifications are fundamental concepts in software engineering as they define the flow of the process and the required specifications for the software. This means that any organization that is working on the development of software can include these specification methods for better development of their software or projects.


Q.1 In what ways do tools for Process and Control Specification assist software development projects?

Ans: Procedure and Management Tools for specification offer the characteristics and functions needed to record, oversee, and enforce project controls and procedures. Project management software, version control systems, issue tracking systems, frameworks for automated testing, and configuration management tools are a few examples of these products.

Q.2 Why is software engineering concerned with Process and Control Specification?

Ans: Process and Control Specification is essential because it offers a well-organized foundation for efficiently managing software development projects. It contributes to the maintenance of uniformity, dependability, and reproducibility in the project execution process, resulting in better software products and project outcomes.

Q.3 Which elements are commonly included in specifications for process and control?

Ans: Project management techniques, software development processes (such as Waterfall, Agile, or DevOps), quality assurance protocols, version control techniques, change management protocols, and risk management strategies are examples of components that make up a Process and Control Specification.

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