Difference between Software Engineering process and Conventional Engineering Process

Software Engineering Process and Conventional Engineering Process, both are processes related to computers and development. In this article, we will see the similarities as well as differences between both, that is Software Engineering Process and the Conventional Engineering Process.

Table of Content

  • Software Engineering Process
  • Conventional Engineering Process
  • Similarities Between Software Engineering Process and Conventional Engineering Process
  • Difference Between Software Engineering Process and Conventional Engineering Process
  • Questions for Practice
  • Frequently Asked Questions related to Software vs Conventional Engineering Process

Let’s proceed with the Software Engineering Process first.

Software Engineering Process

Software Engineering Process is an engineering process that is mainly related to computers and programming and developing different kinds of applications through the use of information technology.

Conventional Engineering Process

Conventional Engineering Process is an engineering process that is highly based on empirical knowledge and is about building cars, machines, and hardware. It is a process that mainly involves science, mathematics, etc.

Conventional Engineering is related to computers, writing programs, and implementing them.

Similarities Between Software Engineering Process and Conventional Engineering Process

  • Both Software Engineering and Conventional Engineering Processes become automated after some time.
  • Both these processes are making our day-to-day place better.
  • Both these processes have a fixed working time.
  • Both processes must consist of deeper knowledge.

Difference Between Software Engineering Process and Conventional Engineering Process


Software Engineering Process

Conventional Engineering Process


Software Engineering Process is a process that majorly involves computer science, information technology, and discrete mathematics.

The conventional Engineering Process is a process that majorly involves science, mathematics, and empirical knowledge.

Focus Area

It is mainly related to computers, programming, and writing codes for building applications.

It is about building cars, machines, hardware, buildings, etc.


In Software Engineering Process construction and development costs are low.

In Conventional Engineering Process construction and development cost is high.


It can involve the application of new and untested elements in software projects.

It usually applies only known and tested principles to meet product requirements.

Development Effort

In the Software Engineering Process, most development effort goes into building new designs and features.

In Conventional Engineering Process, most development efforts are required to change old designs.


It majorly emphasizes quality.

It majorly emphasizes mass production.

Product Nature

Product development develops intangible products (software).

Product development develops tangible products (e.g. bridges, buildings).

Design Requirement

Design requirements may change throughout the development process.

Design Requirements are typically well-defined upfront.


Testing is an integral part of the development process.

Testing occurs mainly after product completion.


Prototyping is common and helps to refine requirements.

Prototyping is less common due to cost and time.


Maintenance and updates are necessary to keep software relevant.

Maintenance is typically scheduled or reactive.


Software development often involves complex logic and algorithms.

Conventional engineering may have more complex physical properties to deal with.


Software development often follows established standards and frameworks.

Conventional engineering may have well-established regulations and standards.

Cost Dynamics

Software development is typically less expensive to start, but costs may increase with maintenance and updates.

Conventional engineering may be more expensive to start due to materials and construction but may have lower maintenance costs.


Agile methodologies are commonly used in software development.

Conventional engineering may use more traditional project management approaches.

Questions for Practice

1. The process of gathering the software requirement from the client, analyzing, and documenting is known as [UGC NET 2022]

(A) Software Engineering Process

(B) User Engineering Process

(C) Requirement Elicitation Process

(D) Requirement Engineering Process

Solution: Correct Answer is (D).

2. Which of the following statements is/are false? [UGC-NET 2018]

P: The clean-room strategy for software engineering 
is based on the incremental software process model.
Q: The clean-room strategy for software engineering
is one of the ways to overcome 'unconscious' copying of the copyright code.

Choose the correct answer from the code given below.

(A) Neither P and Q

(B) P only

(C) Both P and Q

(D) Q only

Solution: Correct Answer is (A).

Frequently Asked Questions related to Software vs Conventional Engineering Process

What are the types of Software Processes Model?

Some Common Types of Software Processes Model are:

What is the main difference between the Software Engineering Process and Conventional Engineering Process?

The main difference between the Software Engineering Process and Conventional Engineering Process is that Software Engineering involves new and untested elements in projects and Conventional Engineering Process involves known and tested methods.

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