Posidex Technologies Interview Experience

Posidex Technologies company has been visited for our campus to recruit for the Associate Software Engineer roles. The interview process has 3 rounds namely written test, Technical Interview 1, Technical Interview 2, HR Interview.

1. Written Test :
In written test they has been tested us on reasoning and java basics. It consists of 50 reasoning questions for 50 marks and 25 questions on java and sql for 25 marks. After this they shortlisted candidates who scored best(The cutoff is around 50 for 75 marks)

2. Technical Interview 1:

In this interview they asked basic questions related to java, sql and aptitude questions like OOP concepts, Exception Handling, DDL, DML commands and questions on joins, constraints. one aptitude question to test logical reasoning

3. Technical Interview 2:

In this interview they focused on testing coding ability and sql queries. They asked to code coding questions like Pascals Triangle, Sorting algorithms and basic star patterns.

4. HR Interview:

In this interview they asked family background details, company details and role you applied for and basic HR questions like strengths, why Posidex ? What is the unique value you will be adding to the company ?

This is the recruitment process for the posidex technologies.

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