Persistent System Interview Experience

Round-1: Technical Interview Round-1

The first technical interview lasted for about 2 hours and covered a broad spectrum of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) topics. The interviewer asked in-depth questions on linked lists, trees, and dynamic programming (DP). The questions were challenging and required a solid understanding of the concepts as well as the ability to apply them to solve problems efficiently.

Suggestions for Preparation:

  • Linked Lists: Be well-versed with operations like insertion, deletion, reversal, and detection of cycles. Understand different types of linked lists (singly, doubly, circular).
  • Trees: Focus on binary trees, binary search trees, AVL trees, and heaps. Be prepared to write code for traversals (in-order, pre-order, post-order) and understand concepts like balancing trees.
  • Dynamic Programming: Practice problems involving memoization and tabulation. Common topics include the Knapsack problem, longest common subsequence, and matrix chain multiplication.
  • Using resources like w3wiki for DSA practice can significantly boost your confidence and problem-solving skills.

Round-2: Technical Interview Round-2

The second technical interview was around 1.5 hours long and consisted of solving two coding problems. The problems tested my ability to write efficient and clean code under time constraints. The focus was on understanding the problem, devising an optimal solution, and implementing it correctly.

Tips for Success:

  • Practice coding problems regularly on platforms like w3wiki, LeetCode, and HackerRank.
  • Focus on writing readable and optimized code.
  • Pay attention to edge cases and test your solutions thoroughly.

Round-3: Verbal English Round

This round involved various activities to assess my English speaking and typing skills. The tasks included speaking on given topics, typing passages accurately, and participating in a mock conversation. The goal was to evaluate my communication skills, both verbal and written.

Preparation Advice:

  • Engage in regular reading and writing practices.
  • Participate in discussions or debates to improve verbal communication.
  • Use typing practice tools to enhance speed and accuracy.

Round-4: HR Round

The HR interview focused on understanding my personality, background, and future aspirations. Questions ranged from “Tell me something about yourself” to scenarios involving team conflicts and management. The interviewer also inquired about my projects, extracurricular activities, and location preferences.

Tips for the HR Round:

  • Be honest and articulate about your experiences and goals.
  • Showcase your problem-solving and team collaboration skills through examples.
  • Stay calm and answer questions politely and confidently.

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