Persistent Systems Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Total 4 Rounds –  

Round 1 – CSE Questions Aptitude/Reasoning/Coding (90 MCQs & 2 Coding)

Round 2 – Advanced Coding (2 Questions)

Round 3 – Technical Interview  

Round 4 – Advanced Technical Interview

Round 5 – Advanced Technical Interview 2

Round 6 – HR  

I am from ECE branch and I sat in the Persistent Systems Interview in my on-campus drive, here I will give a brief experience of the whole process I went through during the interview. The interview part was virtual, same as the other coding rounds. The interview was taken on AMCAT’s smartmeet platform.  

Round 1 (Online Assessment) –

There were a total of 90 questions, again it was held on AMCAT’s platform. The questions were related to CSE subjects, pseudocodes, and simple coding questions along with lots of questions on Data Interpretation, puzzles, reasoning, quantitative aptitude, and English.

Round 2 (Online Assessment/Advanced Coding) –

There were two questions in total, they were intermediate level questions, one was based on string rotation, another was based on arrays (had to use backtracking in the solution). Both were fairly easy, but they took time to do.

Round 3 (Technical Interview 1 on AMCAT Smartmeet) –

  • When the interview started, I greeted the interviewer, then he jumped directly into the interview.
  •  There were two coding questions, very easy questions. First one was to print a pattern using a loop, and another was to print Fibonacci series up to n numbers. 
  • Then he asked a puzzle to test presence of mind, calculation and awareness. After this I was asked lots of questions from OOPS, all the basics like Polymorphism, Inheritance, Abstraction and Encapsulation.
  •  Small codes were given where I needed to check and see how and if the code would execute, and if not what error is it going to throw.
  •  I was asked questions on agile framework, software development life cycle, testing and integration since I already had internship experience in a product-based company. 
  • Then I was asked questions on data structures and algorithms and these questions were followed by their time complexities. 
  • Then we had a little bit of discussion on the work during the pandemic.  

Round 4 (Technical Interview 2 on AMCAT Smartmeet) –

  • This interview was taken by a senior management developer. 
  • He was very humble and polite, one of the best interviewers I had sat with. 
  • He asked only two questions, these were easy to medium level coding questions. One was to print all permutations of a given string, which required swapping and recursion (I used recursion but it could’ve been done in an iterative way also), another question was to print the duplicate characters in a string.
  •  He was really happy with my answers and I got the green signal from him.  

Round 5 (Technical Interview 3 on AMCAT Smartmeet) –

  • This interview was taken by a senior chief architect.
  • His first few questions were on my branch subjects, then he asked a few questions on operating systems. Mainly on threads and processes. The questions might seem easy to hear, but every follow-up question was twisty and you had to think about it. 
  • Then he asked me a few questions on Computer networks, mainly on TCP/IP and OSI models and TCP vs UDP, same went with these questions too, there was a twist in follow-up questions. 
  • Then he asked me what data structures I know, and then he asked me tree traversals and it followed by a question. Then he gave me a string, asked me what tree would be built on the basis of that string. 
  • Then he gave me an equation and asked me to form a tree, and to print it in an inorder fashion, then calculate the equation. (Here you need to use a stack and use infix). 
  • After this there was a question on DBMS which was a simple yet a question with a twist. It was on normalization which followed a table that I had to solve.  

Round 6 (HR on AMCAT Smartmeet) –

The HR was super friendly, we had a good friendly discussion. I have heard this round lasts for like 15 minutes tops but mine went quite long (about 45 mins). I will just write all the questions below in the bullet points since I don’t want to disclose my answers –

  1. How many people are there in your family?
  2. What made you choose electronics as your branch and what made you study for campus placements for IT companies?
  3. Why persistent systems?
  4. How are you handling the current covid situation and what are your views on it?
  5. What are the technologies that you would be interested to learn in future apart from what your current skill set is?
  6. Since you have this project in your resume, say you are given funding (theoretical amount, for example 2Lakhs) and you have to get this product up and running, where and how would you allocate these funds and how would you make it work?
  7. Are you okay if you are put into testing? (NO)
  8. What would be your location preference?
  9. Any further questions?

So, this concludes the 1.5-month process of the interviews for persistent systems, I got selected for the highest package. My suggestion for anyone who’s preparing for Persistent Systems would be to make sure that your basics are clear. You might solve complex problems every day, solve questions that came in FAANG interviews, but here, and everywhere, you need proper in-depth knowledge of whatever you are studying.  

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