Paytm Payments Bank Interview Experience for SDE (Front-End)

Round 1: Technical (1 – 1.5 hrs):

  • Introduction
  • Discussion about my past experience at Amdocs.
  • Questions on Web dev:
  • HTML:
    • What is Semantic HTML?
    • Give examples of semantic tags.
    • Some tags-related questions (Can’t recall)
  • CSS:
    • The interviewer gave me a layout and asked me to code it live, I did that with the help of flexbox.
    • Cross questions on flexbox, glad I practiced it from
    • Questions on media queries.
    • Miscellaneous styling questions.
  • JavaScript:
    • Is JavaScript synchronous or asynchronous, explain with an example.
    • Working of event loop.
    • Flatten an N-dimensional array into a 1D array without using inbuilt functions.
    • Questions and discussion on Promises.
    • Discussion about debouncing concepts in JavaScript and its implementation.

The interviewer (Software Engineer) was really nice, I was so nervous but he asked me to have a glass of water and calm down. After this, I was able to give my interview in a much better way.

Round 2: Technical (1.5 hrs): It was taken by a Senior Technical Lead, which was a live coding round and some cross-questioning on the same.

  • Brief Introduction about me and my skills.
  • Basic React principles.
  • Live coding round:
    • Implement the bootstrap Tab component (responsive) with 3 or more tabs (Reference:
  • The selected tab must show the associated content with it when clicked, I was given 30 mins to implement it, I completed it within time with class-based components. The live coding round was really nice as the interviewer and me were discussing the code while creating the component and we came up with the solution.
  • Cross-questioning on the implemented code, based on performance and optimization.
  • Data Structure ques:
    • A question on graph ds, a tricky question based on my component. (Can’t recall it exactly)
    • The interview went pretty well, actually, it seemed more like a discussion.

Round 3 (Technical + Managerial) [1 hour]: Was taken by another senior technical lead:

Discussion about work that I’ll be doing in the company if selected.

A very good interview experience in this round too, the interviewer was really cool and listened patiently to my questions (if there were any).

After 3 rounds, I got a call from HR that I was selected and they’re scheduling my managerial round for a discussion about the team and the type of work that I’ll do, Of course, I had some questions at my end too that I was eager to ask.

After the managerial round, I had an HR round post in which the offer letter was emailed to me. I was super happy ?

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