Paytm Interview Experience for SDE (On-Campus)

There were 3 rounds:

Round 1(Online Coding Round – 60 mins): It consisted of 2 DSA questions to be solved.

Round 2(Technical Round – 60 mins): The interview was held on Google Meet. The interviewer was very friendly and asked me to introduce myself and tell briefly about my projects and internship.

  • Then he gave me question links which were from Leetcode medium-hard problems.
  • Questions were standard:
    • Tapping rain Water
    • Regular Expression Matching
    • Best time to buy and sell stock II
    • 4 Sum Problem
  • The interviewer was more interested in the approach than in coding. I was able to give an approach to 3 out of 4 problems. The interviewer was happy with my approach.

Everybody who has given round 2 was also interviewed for round 3.

Round 3(Technical Round – 45 mins): This interview was also held on Google Meet. The Interviewer was very friendly too. He said me to introduce myself and tell him about my projects and internship.

  • He then asked me about my branch and the courses I have taken. As I am from Electrical Branch, he asked me some basic questions like what is corona discharge and what are Kirchhoff’s Laws.
  • Then he gives me some standard problems which I have to code on Google Sheets.
    • Right view of Binary tree.
    • Apply Binary search in the array.
  • I was able to solve both questions.
  • At last, he asked me about my strengths and weakness.

After about 2 hours of Round 3, the result was declared on the same day and 10 students including me were selected.

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