Overview of Software Release Process in Software Engineering

Software Release Process :
Software release process is also known as Release Management Cycle in which it performs a cycle for developing, testing, deploying, supporting new versions of software basically for Agile development

It includes modifying, managing, organizing, programming, regulating the software application of different platforms. This process enhances the standard, speed, productivity for developing new software with the updated version. 

There are some phases of a software release process those are :

  1. Define specific requirements for the release –
    If any developer wants to add some changes within the existing software, then it should run in any environment that application should be available for computer application as well as mobile application.
  2. Specify your acceptance criteria –
    In this all the requirement criteria for the updated version of software application should be at one go for IOS version as well as Android version.
  3. Test your software in production –
    For new software some test required for the real time running and to check that method of testing dark launching method is used without encoding their methods.
  4. Iterate and refine your product –
    After testing if that application needs some changes before disclosing about the updated version that should be refined first then it should be launched.
  5. Release your product to end-users –
    After clearing the dark launching tests it allows the product manager to announce the updated version of the software application and to release the codes and it increases the productivity of the developer by a huge method.

Benefits of Software Release Process :
Software release process helps in various sectors as it maintains its improvement in the software application with the help of some tools for bigger opportunities and productivity, and the various sectors are

1. Software release at Enterprise scale –
In enterprise scale it brings more business opportunities with IT sectors. It manages the large-scale system which is needed to change or for the growth benefits. Enterprise basically focuses on the customer needs for in time delivery, control of authority, feedbacks.

2. Maintain business and IT alignment –
It upholds the good relations between IT sector and Business for better delivery and development.

3. Release risk management –
In a huge business there is a high risk of several factors which can affect the whole system and can cause huge damage to the enterprise as there is various new software were being developed so there is more chance of risks such as :

  • Noncompliance : Not meeting any policies which are being promised to the customers needs and security levels, trust of customer.
  • Release Scheduling Conflicts : The software should be environment freely if not then there is waste of time for installing different application for that software.
  • Release time : Releases which are not being delivered at correct time it can affect in sales and progress and that is a most basic risk in software release process.
  • Consistent Governance Compliance : It verifies the further consistence compliance for the data security which are being shared and used by the developers.
  • System Wide Scheduling : This allows the manager, PMOs, product owner to verify and understand the progress and work flow process at organization level.
  • Scoping : By managing the business sector and IT sector regularly it reduces the risk of release, if it will be properly managed constantly then there is low risk of release and increases the scope of release to encounter release management.

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