Oracle Interview Experience | On-Campus

Company: Oracle

Profile:Applications Engineer

Eligibility: 7/10 and above or percentage equivalent 70% and above in BTECH(CSE/ECE/IT/EE),

No Active Backlogs in any semester.


Online  Test: MCQ based 107 mins

There were around 4 sections each of which were further divided into subsections:-

  1. Aptitude Contained quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, flowchart based questions.
  2. Contextual communication- Consisted of grammar correction, reordering of sentences, reading comprehension, vocabulary, word replacements etc.
  3. Data Structures based question there were two 15min subsections.Most of all questions (except maybe 1-2) where based on trees (AVL,  BST). They were output based questions based on insertion/deletion and traversal of these trees.
  4. General Computer Science- questions from OS, DBMS, C++ output with emphasis on declaration of variables question

You can only visit every question once, i.e. yo cannot go back to previous questions.Prepare your strategy before starting the test.Attempt all questions since there is no negative marking.

117 Out of 178 students qualified for the F2F round.

Round 1(Technical): It was a young guy who took my interview.He asked me to introduce myself.I said i am a sports enthusiast and he was interested in English premier league so we had a discussion on it for a while.

He asked me whether i am comfortable with Java .I said i like CPP more.

He gave me two question to solve:

Question 1 :Given a string (ex:”CAT”) check whether it is present in a given NxN character matrix or not.It may be present in horizontal, vertical or in diagonal direction.

Question 2: Given an array find the second largest element in one pass.

It lasted for like 15 mins, was very smooth.60 out of 117 passed this round.

Round 2(Technical): It was taken by a much older guy.I was asked to write one code.whoever can solve the problem will go to the next round. The problem was to check whether a given 9×9 Sudoku configuration is valid or not.

I wrote both the naive approach in which we visit each element thrice and also the optimized code in which each element was visited just once.

A total of 30 students qualified this round.

Round 3(Technical): This was the most important and the longest round of the process.It lasted for an hour.The interview started with my introduction, my family background.He asked me why my wasn’t i among the top 10 rankers of the class.

Then he gave me a total of 4 problem to solve and asked me for the time i will solve it in.
I said 20 mins and he was shocked that i stated such a short duration. 1 was ER diagram and the other 3 were puzzles.

Q1.Draw the E-R diagram of the project which you did last year.and some SQL queries on that.

Q2.Given three type of coins

A:5 rupees

B:1 rupees

C:0.2 rupees

how many coins of each you will take such that the total number 0f coins and the total value of the coins is 100.

Q3. given 4 7’s  {7, 7, 7, 7} and 5 operators +, -, *, /, .  get 100.You can use any operators any number of times but your expression must only have 4 7’s.

Q.4 The torch and bridge puzzle.

I was able to solve all this is 15 mins he was impressed.
Then he gave me another ER diagram for the IRCTC website and some SQL queries on that.I wasn’t able to do it properly but i somewhat did it.

A total of 15 students passed this round.

Round 4(HR):

The easiest round of the process.
She asked me how was my day, i said wonderful since i was able to give all answers correctly.

Then she asked me about my hobbies.She was impressed with my participation in sports.

3 words for myself, I said Positive, Smart working, Enthusiastic.She asked me why not hard work and give an example where i did smart work. Then she asked whether i had any questions .I asked about the work culture and timings.

At the end 11 out of 15 were selected for the job offer.

TIP:Dress well, be confident, be polite and think calmly.

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