Oracle GSC Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Round 1: Technical, English and Coding

The round one technical questions were more Java-related and English would be easy if you knew basic school stuff like nouns and adjectives. The coding question was basic programming and there was a SQL question which was doable.

Round 2:

About 71 of us were shortlisted and were called to their office. There was a panel of two members.

One of them asked me SQL questions- How would I rate myself in MySql? About basic joins. And if there are duplicate names select only distinct ones and internally how a query is getting executed. And how transaction control happens.

The other panel took over and asked me to write a simple reverse string code and a bubble sort descending code. He asked me about Java collections and the difference between interface and class. And some stuff regarding jar files which I did not have much info about. And to write a custom Exception class. Since it was Git mentioned in my resume, he asked me about some Git commands and how to resolve a merge conflict

Round 3:

This was a simple HR kind of round where he asked me about my Final Year Project which projects I did out of interest and which were part of college projects. And just normal talks.

Verdict: Selected

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