Oracle Interview Experience (On-Campus)

OMCS: Oracle had come to my college for recruiting and the process took around 10 to 12 days. The unit which had come to our college was OMCS( Oracle managed cloud services). Initially, we had to fill a Google form that was sent by our placement department. I got a mail regarding the online assessment on the 17th of September and the test was on the 18th of the same month. The mail consisted of details such as invite code and instructions as the process was online.

Online assessment: The duration of the test was 107mins. There were sections and each section had a fixed time. There were questions based on time and work, age, probability, combinations, pattern recognition, logical reasoning, comprehension, data structures, predict the output kind of questions.

Tip: revise avl trees.

26 students from my college were selected for the interview, and I was one among them. There was a pre-placement talk on the day of the interview where they told us about the company, the role which they had offered, and they shared their experiences.  

1st round: This was a technical round there were two panelists. They asked me to brief about my projects, since most of my projects were on CPP they asked few questions on object-oriented programming concepts like polymorphism, data abstraction, inheritance. Few questions on data structures which were on stacks and queues. I was asked to explain the bubble sort, and they asked about the time complexities. An editor was shared, and I was given two questions to solve.

  1. I was given 2 numbers and they asked me to write a code that prints the prime numbers between that range.
  2. I was given a string and asked to replace the dot with comma and comma with a dot. 

2nd round: In this round, they asked a few questions on cloud and database.Few questions on programming languages, the difference between CPP and python. At which age did you decide that you want to become a programmer. He asked me to explain 2 of my projects in detail. He told more about the company their cloud solutions, how they work, what they do. The problems which I had faced in the completion of the project and how did I overcome those.

3rd round: This round began with the introduction and the typical question tell me about yourself. Later he asked my experience of previous rounds and the names of the panel members. I was asked a real-time application of the project and how I could improve the performance of one of my programs. I was asked what inspired me to do these projects as most of them were done on holidays but not in teams. I was asked about the objective(goal) of my life which was followed by the question of where do you see yourself in 5 years coming down the lane. I was asked about my interests and hobbies and later he briefed about the work culture of the company and the products upon which they were working.

Result: I was selected. 

Advice: If you are selected for the interview drink a lot of water or keep a bottle beside you because you have to speak a lot!

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