Oracle Interview Experience For Application Developer

Coding Round:

The coding round had a moderate to hard difficulty level with only two questions. One was of medium difficulty concerning arrays, while the other was hard, focusing on stacks. Additionally, there were around 6-7 sets of questions, from which you received two based on luck. However, the crucial aspect was the repetition of questions across different colleges. For instance, if Oracle conducted a coding round at College X, the same questions would likely appear in the test for my college. Therefore, it’s advisable to establish connections and acquire recently asked questions from Oracle. You can explore websites, where you might find Oracle’s recently asked questions.

Round 1:

Firstly, the type of questions asked in each round varies based on the interviewer. In my case, the first-round interviewer asked an array question, where I had to determine the minimum number of swaps needed to sort the array. I quickly solved this and completed my round [Quesition Link]. However, others were immediately asked SQL queries in the first round, and these queries were quite challenging. Therefore, it’s essential to thoroughly prepare both Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and SQL queries for the first round.

Round 2:

During this round, I got confused and couldn’t recall the question exactly. The interviewer asked about the subarray, but I mistakenly thought he meant subsequence. It struck me later, after the interview, when I was discussing the question with my friend. It was too late by then, and I realized I wouldn’t proceed to the next round. I request you to kindly listen to the question attentively first because, during my attempt, I repeatedly asked for confirmation from the interviewer at every stage, to which he nodded positively. Unfortunately, I was solving the wrong question altogether. After some time, the interviewer presented a puzzle, which I solved. Refer to this Link [GFG Puzzles]. However, since I had tackled a different coding question earlier, I didn’t get a chance to proceed to the third round.

Round 3:

FYI, I haven’t participated in the third round, but some of my friends did. In that round, they faced challenging SQL query questions and puzzles. The puzzles seemed repetitive, and cracking this round could likely lead to selection. Following this round, there was a brief 5-minute HR session. They asked questions like “Are you willing to pursue higher studies?” and “Are you willing to relocate?” It’s essential to answer smartly to assure them that you intend to stay long-term with the company.

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