OpenText Interview Experience for SDE

Round 1: JAVA, API Design

The interviewer asked me about SOLID principles, Singleton Design Pattern, Lambda expression problem, Multithreading Concepts
Then he moved to SpringBoot, asked me some of the annotations used, and then told me to design an API using proper design patterns.
I completely nailed this round.

Result: Positive

Round 2: DSA and Java Advanced Concepts (1hr)

Started with a 10min discussion on the current project and architecture, then he asked me to solve 2 DSA questions

Solved both of them.

Then he asked me about JAVA Memory Model and how have I fixed the Out Of Memory Error in my current project.

Result: Positive

Round 3: Hiring Manager (1hr)

Started again with a discussion on the current project and architecture, followed by Docker/AWS/Kubernetes fundamentals. Then he moved onto Behavioural questions,

Result: Positive

Round 4: Director Round (2hrs)

This was the toughest round. Asked me to draw the architecture of my current project and asked questions about it. then asked some Multithreading questions followed by about 7-10 behavioral questions.

Result: Positive

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