OpenText Interview Experience for Engineering intern

Opentext came to our campus and 900 students registered into it. 
The process was very simple :

1st Round : Online Assessment 

This round was held online on the platform called Codility contains 2 coding questions both were easy level. every student got different questions no one got the same question. but the level was easy only

1st Question : We have given two numbers A and B and we need to find the number of set bits in A*B .

simple right but here is a catch in this you must have to take care about the A*B value does not exceed integer limit and according to constraints given in the question you have to modify it a little bit. take long long integer it ok it can capture A*B into itself.

2nd Question : Related to map… In an even word , each letter occurs an even number of times.

write a function solution that, given a string S containing N characters, returns the minimum number of letters that must be deleted to obtain an even word.


1. Given S = “acbcbba”, the function should return 1 (one letter b must be deleted).

2. Given Saxxaxa”, your function should return 2 (one letter a and one letter x must be deleted).

3. Given Saaaa”, your function should return 0 (there is no need to delete any letters) 

Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions N is an integer within the range [0.200,000] string S is made only of lowercase letters (az).

easily able to solve both of the question and got the mail of the second and the final round HR round .

2nd Round : HR Round

Done got the selection mail but not accepted the offer its a 6 months intern and then ppo .

Location : banglore / hyderabad

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