Contest Experiences | Bi-Wizard School Coding Tournament 17.0

w3wiki Bi-Wizard School Coding Tournament 17.0

This was a contest organized on the Beginner for Beginner platform on July 26th, 2023 and it consisted of 3 coding questions and 20 multiple-choice questions which were to be solved in a time frame of 90 minutes from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

Note: This coding contest was exclusively for school students.


There was no prize as such for the contest but this coding contest would help blossom our coding journey in following factors :

  • Skill Development.
  • Competitive Spirit.
  • Learning from Peers.

Link of the contest: w3wiki Bi-Wizard School Coding Tournament 17.0

Overview of the questions asked:

Problem Name

Difficulty Level

Time to Solve


Number of Submissions made by me

Minimum Days

Medium – Hard

>30 minutes

Yet Another Pair Divisibility Problem


15 minutes

Modulus operations.


Total Number of Words in a String

Very easy

5 minutes

Simple iterations using for loops.


Coding Questions :

Problem 1 : Bitwise AND Challenge

I was not able to solve this problem during the contest but the post contest analysis helped me understand the solution.
You can watch the post contest analysis here.

Problem 2 : Yet Another Pair Divisibility Problem

In these problem we have to find if we can pair up elements of the array such that the sum of elements in each pair is divisible by a given number k.
So, in these questions I applied modulus operations which can be described as follows,

( A[i] + A[j]) % k = ( (A[i] % k) + (A[j] % k) ) % k

Therefore, we have to take modulus of each element by k, and then pair elements up as follows,

(1 + (k-1)) %k = 0

(2 + (k-2)) %k = 0

(3 + (k-3)) %k = 0


So, we have to check if the number of elements with modulus(k) as 1 is equal to number of elements with modulus(k) as k-1, if the number of elements with modulus(k) as 2 is equal to number of elements with modulus(k) as k-2, if the number of elements with modulus(k) as 3 is equal to number of elements with modulus(k) as k-3…..
Here, only exception is for 0, where the number of elements with modulus(k) as 0 should be even, so that we can pair them up.
Now, if all the above conditions hold then return true else return false and I used this concept and was able to solve this question in one go.

Problem 3 : Total Number of Words in a String

This was the easiest problem one can encounter during a contest where just we have to count the number of spaces present in the string and add 1 to it and then return it.
This works because a string with no space contains 1 word, with 1 space contains 2 words, with 2 space contains 3 words, etc.
I was able to solve this question also in one go.


All the multiple choice questions were based on computer science fundamentals which required basic knowledge of Computer Networking, Object Oriented Programming, Sorting techniques, etc. Each MCQ had 5 marks and I was able to get 10 out of 15 MCQ’s correct.

Note: The contest home states that there will be 20 Quiz problems but during the contest there were only 15 Quiz problems.


Overall I would rate this contest on a medium side because two questions were on easier side whereas one was on a medium to hard side, I was not able to solve that questions but it was also a good question that anyone with good implementation skills could easily solve.

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