Contest Experiences | My first Leetcode Coding Contest Experince

Participating in a coding contest on Leetcode was a monumental milestone in my journey as a programmer. It marked the culmination of months of hard work and dedication. I had started with weak data structure and algorithm (DSA) skills, but through relentless grinding and solving over 200 questions on Leetcode, I felt ready to take on my first contest.

As the time of the contest drew near, a mixture of excitement and anxiety coursed through me. I knew that I had prepared to the best of my abilities, yet the thought of a time-bounded challenge felt akin to an exam. Nevertheless, I was determined to give it my all.

Contest Time Emotions:

  • Participating in a LeetCode contest, the ticking timer added a rush of adrenaline as I tackled the first problem. Despite the time pressure, I efficiently applied problem-solving skills and managed to solve it. This initial victory boosted my confidence.
  • The second problem, though more challenging, didn’t daunt me. I employed problem-solving techniques from my preparation and successfully cracked it, making it two out of four problems solved.
  • However, the journey hit a bump with the third question, which proved more complex than anticipated. Time constraints left me unable to find a solution. I faced the final problem with a racing heart but couldn’t finish it before the contest concluded.
  • While I couldn’t conquer all four problems, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had given my best effort in my first LeetCode contest and had managed to solve two out of the four questions. This achievement was a testament to my dedication, hard work, and the knowledge I had gained during my preparation.


My first LeetCode coding contest was a rollercoaster of emotions, from nervousness to elation. It emphasized that success isn’t just about problems solved but also the effort and progress made. This experience inspired me to continue my coding journey, enhance my skills, and tackle more challenges. It’s a significant step forward, and I’m excited about my coding adventure.

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