Oasis Infobyte Work Experience as Data Science Intern

About the company:

It is a community of diverse people coming together with similar objectives and ultimate goals. Their main objective is to create opportunities for leadership development, learning, student engagement, and fostering of shared interests. They develop enriching environments and experiences that promote students’ knowledge and well-being.

How I got to know about this Internship:

I got to know about this internship from one of my seniors in college. He had completed the internship in Data Science from Oasis Infobyte and suggested me to apply for it.


It was a one-month online internship.

Internship Process:

I was supposed to fill up a Google form in order to apply for this internship and within 2 days, I received my offer letter via mail. They also gave me a list of tasks which I was supposed to complete within one month in order to receive the completion certificate. They had given me a list of 5 tasks from which it was compulsory to complete at least three tasks to receive the completion certificate.

Tasks Given:

  • IRIS Flower Classification
  • Unemployment Analysis with Python
  • Car Price Prediction with Machine Learning
  • Email Spam Detection with Machine Learning
  • Sales Prediction using Python

Tasks I completed:

  • Car Price Prediction with Machine Learning
  • Email Spam Detection with Machine Learning
  • Sales Prediction using Python


Overall it was a very nice experience in which I got an opportunity to test my skills in a short period of time, where I had to use the knowledge of foundational concepts for completing the tasks.

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