Top 10 Javascript Libraries for Machine Learning and Data Science
JavaScript is the programming language of the web which makes it pretty important! However, it has mostly been used as a scripting language in web development without much association with Machine Learning or Data Science as compared to R and Python. That’s because R and Python are specifically suited to Data Science or ML with a large collection of supporting libraries, community members, and infrastructure. However, in the past few years, JavaScript’s popularity has increased to such an extent that more and more people are going crazy over it! That’s why this article deals with the top 10 JavaScript libraries that are quite popular these days....
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Difference Between Data Science and Web Development
Data Science: Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. Data science practitioners apply machine learning algorithms to numbers, text, images, video, audio, and more to produce artificial intelligence (AI) systems to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. In turn, these systems generate insights that analysts and business users can translate into tangible business value....
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How to Become a Chartered Data Scientist?
With the increasing popularity of Data Science, it is no shock that jobs like Data Scientist, Data Analyst, etc. are becoming more in demand than ever. It appears that Data science is the new buzz word and everybody in the tech sector is either already a data scientist or working on becoming a data scientist!...
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10 Best Books to Learn Statistics and Mathematics For Data Science
Data Science is an incredible field that deals with enormous volumes of data using advanced techniques to derive meaningful information. It has dominated all the industries of the world like healthcare, finance, automobile, manufacturing, education, and many more. As per the survey, it is predicted that the Data science domain will witness a major hike of 27.9 percent in employment by 2026. It offers lucrative career opportunities with an insanely high package and global exposure for those with the right skill set....
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Top 7 Clustering Algorithms Data Scientists Should Know
Clustering is primarily concerned with the process of grouping data points based on various similarities or dissimilarities between them. It is widely used in Machine Learning and Data Science and is often considered as a type of unsupervised learning method. Subsequently, there are various standard Clustering algorithms out there that are being utilized to group these data points. As per the clustering requirements, clusters formed from the input data points are segregated and here, begins the main game which data scientists need to play. This is because now, they need to be selective with any of the clustering algorithms so that the available datasets can be represented well in the form of clusters...
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How to Get Masters in Data Science in 2020?
Data Science is one of the most popular technical fields in current times. And why not? Almost every industry ranging from healthcare, automobile or even agriculture generates data. And Data Science is the golden key that converts this dense and complicated data into simple language that normal humans can understand!...
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ML Engineer vs Data Scientist – Which is Better?
In today’s modern world, thousands of data are generated daily; thus, it has become necessary to process it. To process it, we need powerful automated devices and to build those devices, professionals like Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers are in high demand. The debate goes on as to which profession is better. Let’s understand the difference between Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers....
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Feature Engineering in R Programming
Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into features that can be used in a machine-learning model. In R programming, feature engineering can be done using a variety of built-in functions and packages....
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Unconstrained Multivariate Optimization
minimize f(x),w.r.t x , subject to a < x < b...
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Commonly used file formats in Data Science
What is a File Format File formats are designed to store specific types of information, such as CSV, XLSX etc. The file format also tells the computer how to display or process its content. Common file formats, such as CSV, XLSX, ZIP, TXT etc.If you see your future as a data scientist so you must understand the different types of file format. Because data science is all about the data and it’s processing and if you don’t understand the file format so may be it’s quite complicated for you. Thus, it is mandatory for you to be aware of different file formats.Different type of file formats: CSV: the CSV is stand for Comma-separated values. as-well-as this name CSV file is use comma to separated values. In CSV file each line is a data record and Each record consists of one or more than one data fields, the field is separated by commas.Code: Python code to read csv file in pandas...
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How to Become a Data Analyst in 2024: A Complete Guide
In modern times, data holds all the answers but the main thing is asking the right questions!!!...
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4 Key Pillars of Data Science
In the world of data space, the era of Big Data emerged when organizations are dealing with petabytes and exabytes of data. It became very tough for industries for the storage of data until 2010. Now when the popular frameworks like Hadoop and others solved the problem of storage, the focus is on processing the data. And here Data Science plays a big role. Nowadays the growth of data science has been increased in various ways and so one should be ready for the future by learning what data science is and how can we add value to it....
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