NPTEL Cloud Computing Exam Experience

It all started when our college introduced us to a government-provided course that we could take for credits and grades if we passed. We decided to enroll, marking the beginning of our journey through exams. The course in question is the NPTEL course in Cloud Computing provided by IIT Kharagpur. It is almost 3 months long, including 12 weeks of class assignments and materials, all free of cost.

After three months, it was time for the certification exam registration, which cost Rs. 1000. After paying the fee, you fill out the form, select the exam center, and then appear for the exam.

For exam preparation, you can use the notes, materials in PPT format, and all the lecture videos available. From my experience, we didn’t study much for the exam and only had a few days to prepare. The one trick I can share is: “Prepare all the assignments.” Yes, prepare the weekly assignments (there are about 10 or 12 in total), because I can assure you that half of the exam questions come from the assignments. Due to time constraints, I only studied the assignment questions.

Upon reaching the exam center at the given time, you will still have 1 hour before the exam starts, so you can revise there too. The exam is 3 hours long with no negative marking, and you can leave after 1.5 hours if you finish and submit. When the exam began, I saw that, as expected, half of the questions were directly from the assignments. I finished the first 25 questions in just 5 minutes, and took my time with the remaining 25 questions over the next half hour.

After 1.5 hours, I was done with my exam and submitted it, hoping for a score above 70% with very little effort. With proper studying of the specific important topics, you need 40% from the exam and 25% from the assignments to pass. The certification categories range from gold to bronze level, and people of all age groups take the exam.

I received the silver medal, along with credits and grades from my college. This was my journey through the exam. I hope you liked it, and I hope you follow this advice. Good luck with your exams!

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