Nokia Interview Experience For R&D Student Internship (On-Campus)

Nokia visited our campus in March, looking to hire candidates for the post of R&D Student Intern.

In total, 3 rounds were conducted which included 1 Online Assessment round, 1 Technical Interview round, and 1 HR round.

Eligibility Criteria –

  • M. Tech. (CSE/IT/VLSI/ECE or related branches) & MCA
  • Percentage in X and XII – 65% or 6.5 CGPA
  • In Pursuing a Degree – 6.5% or 6.5 CGPA
  • In UG (for PGs) – 65% or 6.5 CGPA

The Process:

Resume Shortlisting: Around 750 students were picked from all applicants to take an online assessment.

There were three rounds:

Round 1 (Online Assessment):

This included Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Verbal (mainly Comprehension), Basic CS MCQ questions on Data structures, Sorting and Code Snippets, Time Complexity & Space Complexity).

There were also two coding problems. I got one to find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of an array and another to Find all duplicate elements in an array and return them in a new array.

I heard classmates got questions on pattern printing, string manipulation, and array sorting.

About 200 students, including me thankfully, moved on to the technical interview.

Round 2 (Technical Interview):

This was with R&D managers. I was nervous, but the interviewer put me at ease.

He asked about my strongest programming language (Java in my case). I mentioned that logic building is key and languages can be learned. He seemed to like that answer.

We discussed the memory size of a structure (it was a trick question!). He explained it well.

I answered questions on string reversal, linked list implementation (using C/C++), and a networking scenario related to the OSI model and the function of the various layers. Explain the detailed process of how one network is connected to another network.

I even asked about the project and its tools. Even though I messed up the first question, I think my communication skills and confidence in learning helped me progress.

Round 3 (HR Round) :

The final round was with the HR department, and it felt more relaxed than the technical interview. It started with introductions and some basic questions about my background. The HR person was curious why I took a non-IT job after college instead of pursuing a master’s degree. This was my chance to explain my choices and motivations. I also took the initiative to ask about growth and learning opportunities at Nokia, showing my genuine interest in the company and my future career.

In the end, around 40 students, including myself, landed the internship! The whole experience was incredibly amazing.

I’ve gone through all the problems and interview experiences available on w3wiki for my preparation. Thanks to the GFG team!!

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