Nissan Digital Interview Experience

Round 1: Aptitude

The very first round in the campus drive of Nissan Digital was on 6th August 2019. The first round was an aptitude round. It had 60 questions which were to be attempted in 60 minutes. As soon as we clicked ‘Submit’ for the Aptitude test, we were shown whether we qualified for round 2 or not. Round 2 was to be attempted as soon as you submitted the aptitude round and if you qualified it.

Round 2: Coding

Now as soon as we clicked on ‘Submit’ for the first round, we knew whether we qualified it or not. Those who qualified, for them, the coding round was available. It had 3 questions and we were given 60 minutes. The difficulty of the questions was easy, medium and medium carrying a weight of 6, 9, 9 marks respectively. Also, it was mentioned that upon submission, the code will be tested on additional test cases for which if it satisfies all the test cases on limited resources, we would be given additional marks. The questions were from (Medium – Linked List and String manipulation, easy – something super easy like finding the value of some series or something similar).

Results for the second were announced later that evening and the interview was scheduled on 20th August 2019. The interview had 3 rounds: GD (Group Discussion), TR (Technical), HR.


GD is one such round for which everyone is nervous beforehand. It was something similar for us also. We were divided into 3 panels of seven members each and we were given a topic (What kind of smart class do you want to establish in your college ?) which was quite easy. We were given 10 minutes to prepare the points. After which the GD started. The GD lasts for somewhere around 15 minutes and it is advised to the readers that go through some ‘GD etiquettes’ on Youtube before you appear for a GD as it helped me a lot. It is not advised to speak a lot, focus on your content, do not be impatient even though time is running out of your hands and if you haven’t spoken significantly. Make sure you pay attention to what your teammates are speaking and remember those points as it is quite obvious that you would be asked for your opinion at the end where you can summarize all points and reach to a conclusion with a reason. Also, GD is not an eliminatory round. At first we were told that it was an ice-breaking session kind of round and we won’t be judged but later on, we got to know that we were marked on our performance in the GD.

Round 4: Technical Interview

Technical Interview will be an eliminatory round so make sure that you deliver your best during the 30 minutes of that interview. It is quite natural that you would be nervous in the beginning but let me assure you that it’s just a matter of 5 minutes after which you are comfortable with things. So, if you are already nervous, you might screw up during the intro session which you may later regret, so before stepping into the interviewer’s room, take a deep breath and put a smile on your face and walk confidently. I was asked about my projects during my course. Since I had completed a course on Udacity for self-driving cars, they asked me mainly from that project. I was then given a question to code (Check if two strings are anagrams of each other). Then I was asked about my favorite subject, to which I answered ‘Operating Systems’ and as soon as I answered there was a spontaneous question ‘How would you make an OS’ which I could answer because I tried to make an OS in my mini-project (which did fail but I had the idea of how to make an OS), so I would suggest you to prepare well on 1-2 subjects and by ‘prepare well’, I mean you should be ready for questions from any corner of the world. Well, the interview lasted for 30 minutes and then I was sent to the HR interview.

Round 5: HR Interview

This was the last round of the drive. I was asked about my projects and location preferences, also I was asked about my short term and long term goals. For the HR Interview, I would recommend you to be as honest and genuine as possible. HR Interviews are not difficult but rather they are tricky so never stop thinking about each and every consequence of whatever you are going to speak.

Well, this was my experience with Nissan Digital Campus Recruitment. Nissan Digital is a good place to work as it is a new establishment with a firm and superb reputation in the market. The company has to grow a lot and there are immense opportunities in the company. Also, the hierarchy level would be quite fascinating in the company when you join as a fresher, moreover there are a lot of benefits that you would be getting.

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