Newgen Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus) 2022

Recently in September newgen visited our campus this is the first time they allow other branches (i.e. EE/ME). Basically, they have 5 rounds

  • Aptitude Round: Aptitude/Reasoning & English Test((90 mins). The test is easy-medium level lots of candidates get clear in the first round.
  • Psychological Test:  Psychological Test contains behavior questions and situation-based questions(1 Hrs). In this test, lots of students get shortlisted and get the cognitive test mail. 
  • Cognitive Test: This test also contains aptitude questions and reasoning questions (15 mins – 7 aptitude questions) and (15 min – 8 reasoning questions). The test is medium-hard level. Only 80 students get shortlisted for Technical Interviews.
  • Technical Interview: All above round happens online and the interview happens offline. Following is the question asked myself during an interview
    • Creating a web page has the functionality of the form and prints the input value in the console because I mention HTML, js.
    • The interviewer is very frank he suggest me to use the internet when I was stuck in one step while implementing code.
    • Ask to give logic for the given pattern question 
  • Write an example with the code of inheritance and objects.
  • Ask SQL query
  • Difference between array and LinkedList.

Out of 80, nearly 35-40 students get selected.

  • HR Interview(15-20 mins):
    • Tell me about yourself and your family background.
    • Why do you want to join the company.
    • Asked for one puzzle.

and 1-2 more behavior questions.

And finally, 29 students get selected(I am also get selected)

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