NCERT Solutions Class-11 Political Science Chapter 8: Secularism

Secularism: Chapter 8 Class-11 NCERT Solution discusses the various features of secularism, such as equal respect for all religions, religious freedom, and non-interference in the affairs of religious institutions. The chapter also discusses the importance of secularism in a democracy. It argues that secularism is essential for ensuring that all citizens are treated equally, regardless of their religious beliefs. These NCERT Solutions are prepared by our Top Social Science Experts to take care of all Important Topics that might be asked in the upcoming examination 2024-2025. So, Students can refer to these solutions for their final Examination preparation.

These Class 11 Political Science Chapter 8 Secularism NCERT Solutions are carefully developed using easy-to-understand language while adhering to the guidelines for solving NCERT Solutions for Class 11. Working through these solutions can be highly beneficial for students in their board exams, as well as in preparing for future competitive Exams.

NCERT Solutions Class-11 Political Science Chapter-8: Secularism

Page No 114

Q. List some of the ways in which you feel communal harmony could be promoted.


Some of the ways in which communal harmony could be promoted are:

  • Interfaith Dialogue: Encourage dialogue and understanding between different religious communities to foster mutual respect and cooperation.
  • Education: Promote inclusive education that teaches tolerance, diversity, and respect for all religious and cultural backgrounds.
  • Legal Protections: Enforce laws against discrimination and hate speech to ensure equal rights and protection for all communities.
  • Community Engagement: Encourage community initiatives, events, and programs that bring people from different backgrounds together to build trust and solidarity.
  • Government Policies: Implement policies that promote social integration, interfaith marriage, and cultural exchange to strengthen communal harmony.

Page No 123

Q. How can a State treat all religions equally? Would granting equal number of holidays to each religion help? Or would banning any religious ceremony on public occasions be a way of doing this?


Treating all religions equally involves ensuring equal rights, opportunities, and protections for followers of different faiths. Granting equal holidays to each religion may not be practical or necessary, as it depends on the demographics and cultural context of the state. Banning religious ceremonies on public occasions may infringe on freedom of religion and expression. Instead, the state can uphold secularism, provide equal access to public services, and ensure that laws and policies do not favor or discriminate against any particular religion.

Exercises Page No 127-128

Q1. Which of the following do you feel are compatible with the idea of secularism? Give reasons.

(a) Absence of domination of one religious group by another.

(b) Recognition of a state religion.

(c) Equal state support to all religions.

(d) Mandatory prayers in schools.

(e) Allowing separate educational institutions for any minority community.

(f) Appointment of temple management bodies by the government.

(g) Intervention of state to ensure entry of Dalits in temples.


The following options are compatible with the idea of secularism:

(a) Absence of domination of one religious group by another: Secularism aims to prevent the dominance or imposition of one religious group over others, ensuring religious freedom and equality.

(c) Equal state support to all religions: Secularism entails impartiality and neutrality of the state towards all religions, providing equal rights, protections, and opportunities to followers of different faiths.

(e) Allowing separate educational institutions for any minority community: Secularism respects the rights of minority communities to establish and manage their educational institutions, preserving cultural and religious diversity within society.

(g) Intervention of state to ensure entry of Dalits in temples: Secularism involves the state’s intervention to uphold principles of equality, social justice, and non-discrimination, ensuring that religious institutions do not perpetuate caste-based discrimination.

Q2. Some of the key characteristics of western and Indian model of secularism have got mixed up. Separate them and make a new table.

Western Secularism

Indian Secularism

Strict non-interference of religion and state in each other’s affairs

State supported religious reforms allowed

Equality between different religious groups is a key concern

Equality between different sects of a religion is emphasised

Attention to minority rights

Less attention to community based rights

Individual and his rights at the centre

Rights of both individual and religious community protected.


Western Secularism

Indian Secularism

Strict non-interference of religion and state in each other’s affairs

State supported religious reforms allowed

Less attention to community based rights

Attention to minority rights

Equality between different sects of a religion is emphasised

Equality between different religious groups is a key concern

Individual and his rights at the centre

Rights of both individual and religious community protected

Q3. What do you understand by secularism? Can it be equated with religious tolerance?


Secularism is the principle of separating religion from government affairs, ensuring that religious beliefs do not influence public policy or governance. While secularism promotes religious tolerance by safeguarding freedom of belief and preventing religious discrimination, it goes beyond mere tolerance by advocating for the impartiality and neutrality of the state towards all religions.

Q4. Do you agree with the following statements? Give reasons for supporting or opposing any of them.

(a) Secularism does not allow us to have a religious identity.

(b) Secularism is against inequality within a religious group or between different religious groups.

(c) Secularism has a western-Christian origin. It is not suitable for India.


(a) Disagree. Secularism allows individuals to have a religious identity while ensuring that the state remains neutral and impartial towards all religions. It promotes religious freedom and protects individuals’ rights to practice their faith without interference from the government.

(b) Agree. Secularism advocates for equality within and between religious groups by upholding principles of non-discrimination, religious freedom, and equal treatment under the law. It seeks to prevent religious hierarchies or inequalities from influencing public policies or social relations.

(c) Disagree. While the concept of secularism may have historical roots in Western contexts, it is applicable to diverse societies, including India. India’s secularism is rooted in its pluralistic ethos and constitutional principles, aiming to accommodate the country’s religious, cultural, and ethnic diversity while upholding principles of equality, justice, and religious freedom.

Q5. Indian secularism focuses on more than the religion-state separation. Explain.


Indian secularism indeed goes beyond mere religion-state separation. It includes several key principles and practices:

  • Equal Treatment of All Religions: Indian secularism emphasizes equal treatment and respect for all religious communities, ensuring that the state remains impartial and neutral towards religious matters.
  • Religious Freedom and Tolerance: Indian secularism safeguards the freedom of religion and conscience for individuals, allowing them to practice their faith freely without fear of discrimination or persecution.
  • State Neutrality and Impartiality: Indian secularism requires the state to maintain neutrality and impartiality in religious matters, refraining from favoring or discriminating against any particular religion or religious group.
  • Protection of Minority Rights: Indian secularism aims to protect the rights and interests of religious minorities, ensuring their full participation in public life and safeguarding their cultural and religious heritage.
  • Sarva Dharma Sambhava: Indian secularism embodies the principle of “Sarva Dharma Sambhava,” which translates to “equal respect for all religions.” This principle emphasizes harmony, tolerance, and coexistence among different religious communities.

Q6. Explain the concept of principled distance.


The concept of “principled distance” refers to the idea that the state should maintain a respectful distance from all religious beliefs and practices while upholding principles of secularism and religious neutrality. In other words, the state neither promotes nor interferes with any particular religion but ensures equal treatment and protection for all religious communities.

Principled distance entails the state’s commitment to:

  • Neutrality: The state remains neutral in religious matters, refraining from favoring or endorsing any specific religion or religious group.
  • Equality: All religious communities are treated equally under the law, with no discrimination based on religion.
  • Non-interference: The state does not interfere in religious affairs or dictate religious practices but ensures that individuals have the freedom to practice their faith without hindrance.
  • Protection of Rights: The state safeguards the rights and freedoms of individuals to profess, practice, and propagate their religion, while also preventing the imposition of religious beliefs or practices on others.

Summary – NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 8: Secularism

The chapter discusses the importance of secularism in a democracy. It argues that secularism is essential for ensuring that all citizens are treated equally, regardless of their religious beliefs. The chapter also discusses the challenges to secularism in India, such as the rise of religious fundamentalism and the increasing politicization of religion. The NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 8: Secularism is an essential resource for anyone who wants to understand the concept of secularism and its application in India. It is a well-written and informative chapter that provides a comprehensive overview of the topic.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 8: Secularism

What is the focus of NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 8: Secularism?

The chapter focuses on the concept of secularism, its principles, significance, and implementation in diverse societies.

How does secularism promote religious freedom?

Secularism ensures that individuals have the freedom to practice their religion without interference from the state or other religious groups.

Is secularism compatible with religious tolerance?

Yes, secularism promotes religious tolerance by upholding principles of equality, non-discrimination, and respect for all faiths.

What role does secularism play in a multicultural society?

Secularism helps maintain harmony and coexistence among diverse religious communities by ensuring state neutrality and impartiality in religious matters.

Does secularism mean the absence of religion in society?

No, secularism allows for the coexistence of religion and state while ensuring that the state remains neutral and impartial towards all religions.

How does secularism contribute to democracy?

Secularism reinforces democratic principles such as pluralism, equality, and freedom of belief, fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.

Is secularism applicable only in Western countries?

No, secularism is a universal principle that can be adapted to diverse cultural, religious, and political contexts, including non-Western societies like India.

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