My Programming Journey From Notebook Code to Bug Bounties

Growing up in a middle-class family with limited exposure to technology, my journey into the world of programming was far from straightforward. From an early age, I was fascinated by computers and their workings. However, it was not until 10th grade that I first encountered a programming language as part of our school syllabus: Java. Learning the basics of programming, I memorised many syntaxes and concepts, which helped me secure decent grades in my board exams.

Despite my passion for programming, a significant hurdle loomed large: I didn’t have a laptop. My father had one, but he needed it for work and took it to the office daily. All I had was a smartphone, and back then, learning programming on a smartphone wasn’t as popular or feasible as it is today. Resources were limited, and the small screen made it difficult to practice coding effectively.

Determined not to let this obstacle deter me, I resorted to writing code in a notebook. I would painstakingly debug the code myself, an arduous process that tested my patience and resolve. Each evening, when my father returned home, I eagerly seized the opportunity to run my code on his laptop, often working late into the night. This routine continued until the first year of college when a moment of immense joy and relief arrived: my father gifted me a new laptop. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I hugged him tightly, tears streaming down my face.

With my new laptop, I dived headfirst into learning more advanced topics. I explored data structures and algorithms, ventured into web development, and even completed a course on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from MIT. This new chapter in my life allowed me to participate in numerous tech fests and engage in a couple of bug bounty programs, all of which broadened my knowledge and experience in the field.

Now, in my final year of college, I look back on my journey with pride and a sense of accomplishment. From writing code in a notebook to tackling complex programming challenges, my story is a testament to the power of perseverance and hard work.

To anyone facing their own set of challenges, I want to share this: if you truly dedicate yourself to your goals and work tirelessly towards them, success will eventually follow. As the proverb goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Embrace your struggles, for they are the stepping stones to your success.

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