My Journey from Math Lover to Code Enthusiast

In the whirlwind of high school life, I stumbled upon two passions that would shape my journey like nothing else: mathematics and programming. Yeah, I know, it might sound a bit nerdy, but trust me, it was way cooler than it sounds.

The Thrill of the Challenge

So, let’s talk math. I wasn’t one of those kids who naturally aced every equation. Nah, for me, math was all about the thrill of the challenge. There was something oddly satisfying about cracking a tough problem, like unlocking a secret code or solving a mind-bending puzzle. It wasn’t just about getting good grades; it was about diving deep into the world of numbers and discovering the beauty hidden within.

Cracking the Code

And then there was programming. Now, this was a whole different ball game. Imagine having the power to create something out of nothing, to breathe life into lines of code, and watch your ideas come to life on a screen. I loved to combine programming with mathematics as problem solving in general required strong mathematical intuition which I loved to build and train!

Courses and Institution

So I did my class 10-12th from MPS Shalimar Bagh, and I undertook PCM + Computer Science as my courses.

In middle school, I took every math and computer science course available. From basic algebra to calculus, and introductory programming to advanced data structures, I was always eager to dive deeper into these subjects. Outside of school, I also took online courses and participated in coding competitions to further sharpen my skills.

When it came to programming, I was drawn to various technologies, but a few stood out for me:

  • Python: Its simplicity and versatility made it my go-to language for most projects. Whether I was working on a simple script or a complex algorithm, Python’s readability and extensive libraries made development a breeze.
  • JavaScript: As I delved into web development, JavaScript became indispensable. From interactive websites to dynamic user interfaces, JavaScript allowed me to bring my ideas to life on the web.
  • This was also taught as coursework in my school as an extracurricular course in 10th grade.

In addition to this, I supplemented my education with online resources like Khan Academy, Coursera, and Udacity. These platforms provided me with additional learning opportunities and allowed me to explore topics beyond the scope of my school curriculum.

In terms of coding platforms, I frequently used websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, and Project Euler to practice coding challenges and improve my problem-solving skills. These platforms not only helped me sharpen my programming abilities but also exposed me to different problem domains and algorithmic techniques.

Overall, the coursework was a combination of formal education, self-directed learning, and hands-on practice. Through dedication and perseverance, I was able to cultivate my passion for mathematics and programming, laying the foundation for a rewarding and fulfilling career in technology.

Peace from daily repetitive schoolwork

But beyond the intellectual stuff, these hobbies were my sanctuary in the chaos of high school life. While other kids were stressing about exams and social media, I found solace in the math problems and coding challenges. It was my escape, my haven where I could just be me!

Lessons Learned

Sure, there were times when I felt like pulling my hair out in frustration, especially when a particularly stubborn bug refused to budge. But you know what? Those moments taught me something invaluable – resilience. They taught me that success doesn’t come easy and that sometimes you’ve gotta roll up your sleeves and dive headfirst into the mess to find the solution.

Looking Ahead

So here I am, a few years down the road, still chasing after that same sense of wonder and excitement that fueled my high school hobbies. They might seem like just something that I did out of curiosity, but trust me, they’ve left an indelible mark on who I am today. From the thrill of the challenge to the bonds forged in the fires of competition, those hobbies were more than just pastimes – they were the building blocks of my journey, guiding me towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

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