My Journey From Hindi Medium to Coding Mastery

When I completed school, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I came from a Hindi-medium background, and my cousin’s brother suggested that I be admitted to an engineering college. At that time, I had no idea what B. Tech or engineering was. In my family and among my relatives, everyone pursued degrees like B.Sc., and I thought I would do the same. But on my brother’s suggestion, I was admitted to an engineering college.

I was very scared because I belonged to a village and had studied in Hindi medium. Due to COVID-19, I took admission without visiting the college, similar to other degrees like B.Sc., where you only go to college when exams are near. That was my biggest mistake. On my first day at college, I saw people talking in English, and they were from English medium CBSE boards. I came back home and decided to cancel my admission because I felt I couldn’t survive in this environment. However, my cousin’s brother explained everything about college since he had also completed B.Tech and M.Tech and had gotten placed in a good job.

I decided to give it another try and started going to college regularly. I made friends, and after some time, I realized it was not as bad as I had thought. I frequently talked to my mentor, Rahul Meena, about what I needed to do. In my first semester, I started learning the C language. The funny thing is, I had no idea about coding. My brother suggested some YouTube channels, and I said, “Okay, I will try to understand.” At that time, I didn’t have a laptop or PC, so I watched lectures and made notes.

When I started the lectures, I treated it like a theory subject and completed the C language in 15 days. One day, my brother called me to come to his house. When I went there, he asked me to write code to print “Hello, World!” The funny part is, that I filled one page with theory about what I had learned in those 15 days. My brother laughed and decided I should stay at his house for 15 days. Those 15 days were life-changing for me. After that, I started enjoying coding.

The only problem was that I had been admitted to the wrong college. But after some time, I talked to my school friends who had been admitted to the best colleges, and they said every college has the same situation. You need to prepare yourself. In my first semester, I was the first in my class to learn coding and complete the C language.

Now, I am confident that I can learn coding. I have completed various certificates and participated in hackathons and coding competitions. By my pre-final year, I had become good at coding. This journey taught me a lot about perseverance, adapting to new environments, and the importance of continuous learning.

Embracing the Journey: Advice for Students from Villages and Hindi Medium Backgrounds

To all the students who come from villages or Hindi medium backgrounds, I want to share an important message: do not be scared or intimidated. The journey might seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, you can achieve great success.

One of the most crucial steps is to find a mentor. It can be a senior, a relative, a teacher, or anyone who has experience in the field you are entering. In my case, my cousin’s brother played that role. He guided me, provided valuable advice, and encouraged me when I felt overwhelmed. Regular communication with your mentor can make a significant difference. Discuss any problems or challenges you face, no matter how small they may seem. Their experience and perspective can help you navigate through difficulties and find effective solutions.

Additionally, surround yourself with supportive friends and peers. Making friends in college helped me realize that I was not alone in my struggles. Many others were facing similar challenges, and together, we found ways to overcome them.

Remember, every college has its set of challenges, but it’s how you prepare yourself and face those challenges that define your success. Stay persistent, keep learning, and believe in your ability to adapt and grow. With determination and the right support, you can turn your fears into strengths and achieve your goals.

To all the students who come from villages or Hindi medium backgrounds, I want to share an important message: do not be scared or intimidated. The journey might seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, you can achieve great success.

One of the most crucial steps is to find a mentor. It can be a senior, a relative, a teacher, or anyone who has experience in the field you are entering. In my case, my cousin’s brother played that role. He guided me, provided valuable advice, and encouraged me when I felt overwhelmed. Regular communication with your mentor can make a significant difference. Discuss any problems or challenges you face, no matter how small they may seem. Their experience and perspective can help you navigate through difficulties and find effective solutions.

Additionally, surround yourself with supportive friends and peers. Making friends in college helped me realize that I was not alone in my struggles. Many others were facing similar challenges, and together, we found ways to overcome them.

Remember, every college has its set of challenges, but it’s how you prepare yourself and face those challenges that define your success. Stay persistent, keep learning, and believe in your ability to adapt and grow. With determination and the right support, you can turn your fears into strengths and achieve your goals.

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