My Journey After Engineering Entrance Exam Setbacks

Embarking on an academic journey after high school is often fraught with uncertainty and setbacks, yet it also presents rich opportunities for personal growth and transformation. This is a common experience for many students who face challenges after an unsuccessful attempt at the Engineering Entrance Exams post Class 12. In such situations, the path forward may seem unclear, with difficult decisions about gap years, alternative education options, or a choice between a good institute vs a good course need to be made under the pressure of expectations and reality.

Following my unsuccessful attempt at the Engineering Entrance Exams after class 12, I was faced with a difficult decision. I could either take a gap year to prepare for the exams or take admission to a private college. However, due to financial constraints, the latter was not an option. Despite this, I chose to take a gap year and dedicated eight months to self-reflection and, learning coding.

During this time, I got to know about the Online BS Degree Programme at IIT Madras. You can learn more about this course on their official site.

This program exposes a learner to various domains in tech, including Web Development, Backend Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.

Currently, around 30,000 are enrolled in this course. Some of them are doing this as a sole degree, while others are pursuing this course to explore, and upgrade themselves.

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