My Counseling Journey At HBTU Kanpur

This story is from last October, when I was with my father at the counselling of Harcourt Butler Technical University (HBTU), Kanpur. HBTU is one of the most popular universities for technical education and counselling there is a proper picture of the cut-throat competition among the students.

From the campus entry, there was an excitement and thrill in the air. The counselling hall was packed with students and their families, all Vying for their branches. It is a tough competition as HBTU is a reputed technical university and thus students with top ranks come here. The cut-off for different programs is really strict. Despite such a high-stakes event, the staff handled the whole thing very efficiently and smoothly.

In all that commotion, I got time to talk to someone sitting beside me and we gelled instantly. I didn’t know then that this new friend would be my future college mate, who was going to HBTU like me. That was one of the best things to happen that day. It gave a feeling of belonging in this cutthroat competition.

The counselling didn’t go well for me despite my best efforts. The competition was tough and my rank was not good enough to make the cut-off for the branch I wished for. Thus I could not take admission in my choice of program. It was a bad time but it gave me some very valuable life lessons. I learned to keep going strong and to not give up. Overall it was a bittersweet experience. I didn’t get what I wanted but I learned many things and also met some people who made a good impression.

Thinking about it, counselling was a tough process at HBTU Kanpur without any doubt but it gave me a fair idea about the reputation of the university and the quality of students it attracts. The whole event was very well organized and the energy and excitement among the students was infectious. There was a kind of nervous energy and a will to succeed in the air. The strict cut-off and competition is a hallmark of HBTU and I am not an exception in this.

The result, however, showed my respect for HBTU and its relentless search for academic excellence. I might have lost the chance to be here but it has only made me more determined to keep working hard wherever I am. The experience taught me many things and above all it’s ok to fail sometimes but keep going strong if you want to achieve something big in the long run.

So, in conclusion, my time at HBTU counselling was exciting, competitive and enriching. The result was disappointing but the experience was motivating. It taught me to not give up in the face of adversity and to make friends who share your vision and work ethic. HBTU left a mark on me (though not with admission) and this experience will surely reflect in my future endeavours and my all-out effort to excel in academics as well as in the personal front.

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