IIT Kanpur M.Tech Admission Experience


An interview is a meeting of people face to face and it is one of the tests in the purification method to select the expected range of persons for a particular job (or) stream and it is also the last stage of selection where shortlisted people can call to attend their interview but most of the people are worried about this interview, is it difficult to face?. Somehow it is a little bit difficult. Let us come to know that the topmost institutes like IIT Kanpur how they conduct interviews for undergraduates who are trying to get entry into post-graduation in their institutes.

IIT Kanpur conducts the interview after the completion of a written test which is conducted around 250 students about and they select 30-40 students from those 250 students(ratio will like this).written test results will be shown on the evening of that day, people who are selected are called for interview on the next day.

This interview consists of two stages at the first stage they call one by one into the first room in which 5 interviewers (professors) are there. It is the round at which they ask about your final project of your B.Tech and they want to give a statement of research about your project by projecting them. Furtherly they proceed by asking questions about the project that what is your project? what is new in the project? what is your contribution to your project? like this, they ask. Next, they ask why you prefer that project? Is it the first time this project takes place or it already exists and how your project will help to solve a problem in society or company. But here one thing we should remember that first, you should introduce yourself that is who are you? From where you are coming? In which institute you complete your B.Tech.

On the next stage, there is another room here 5-10  professors are there and each of them is from different specialization and it is technical round in which they deeply encounter about your field of interest by giving  board  and they want  you to go there and answer the questions by writing them on board  they just ask to write small definitions (Rankine oval equation). Here also you should introduce yourself. Next, they ask why you prefer to choose this stream to do M.Tech?  and an important thing that the person who wants to do M.Tech must and should go through the website and professors of that particular institute because there might be a professor in which domain you are selected in the interview room. so lastly they ask whether you have another option to change this domain because it is the last chance to change and also different stream specialized professors are there so they may observe any skills related to their stream that’s why it is last chance to change.

Mainly it is important to maintain eye contact with each and every interviewer. These two stages may take time around 30 minutes and both stages marks will be added. This technical interview includes mathematical questions just they want to check your mathematical skills. Please go through your field modules because of technical round consists of questions related to the field, and also they ask what’s your favorite subjects related to your field.

An interview is all about your psychology and peace of mind so just be prepared and be mentally strong, remember any mental and physical stress will not be there because of this you may lose your confidence. Have some patience and preparation and be stress-free all together makes you get success in the interview.

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