Most Important Questions On Rigveda

Following we are presenting a set of 20 important Questions about Rigveda. In every exam of the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level, questions are asked from this topic. This topic belongs to Ancient Indian History. It is an important topic for all the candidates who are preparing for these exams. These topics may also help in State Commission’s Exams and Banking Exams.

Que 1. In which of the following Brahmana texts, the son is said to be the boat to cross the ocean of the ocean?

(a) Aitareya Brahmana
(b) Kaushitaki Brahmana
(c) Jaiminiya Brahmana
(d) Shatapatha Brahmana

Ans. (a) Aitareya brahmin
Explanation- In the Aitareya Brahmana text, the son is said to be a boat that crosses the ocean of the ocean. The Aitareya Brahmana is a major Brahmana of Rigveda.

Que 2. In which Veda is the divine principle of the king described?

(a) Rigveda
(b) Samaveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda

Ans. (a) Rigveda
Explanation – The divine principle of the king is described in Rigveda.

Que 3. In which of the following Vedas, the goddess of the forest “Aranyani” is mentioned?

(a) Rigveda
(b) Samaveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda

Ans. (a) Rigveda
Explanation – The goddess of the forest “Aranyani” is mentioned in the Rigveda. This is the oldest Veda.

Que 4. In which of the following Brahmanical texts the daughter is called “Kripan”?

(a) Aitareya Brahmana
(b) Kaushitaki Brahmana
(c) Jaiminiya Brahmin
(d) Shatapatha Brahmana

Ans. (a) Aitareya brahmin
Explanation – In the Aitareya Brahmana text, the daughter is called “Kripan”.

Que 5. Which of the following Brahmanical texts describes the reincarnation theory of the soul?

(a) Aitareya Brahmana
(b) Kaushitaki Brahmana
(c) Jaiminiya Brahmana
(d) Shatapatha Brahmana

Ans. (b) Kaushitaki Brahmana
Explanation – The reincarnation theory of the soul is described in the Kaushitaki Brahmana.

Que 6. In which of the following Brahmana texts the Rajasuya Yagna is mentioned for the first time?

(a) Aitareya Brahmana
(b) Kaushitaki Brahmana
(c) Jaiminiya Brahmana
(d) Shatapatha Brahmana

Ans. (a) Aitareya brahmin
Explanation – Rajasuya Yagna is mentioned for the first time in the Aitareya Brahmana text.

Que 7. Where is the division of the functions of the four Varnas mentioned for the first time?

(a) Aitareya Brahmana
(b) Gopath brahmana
(c) Shaunak
(d) Piplad

Ans. (a) Aitareya Brahmana
Explanation – The division of the functions of the four varnas is mentioned for the first time in the Aitareya Brahmana.

Que 8. In which of the following Vedas the word “mrig” is used for a wild elephant?

(a) Rigveda
(b) Samaveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda

Ans. (a) Rigveda
Explanation – The word “mrig” for wild elephant is used in Rigveda.

Que 9. In which of the following Vedas “Panchagni Vidya” is first mentioned?

(a) Rigveda
(b) Samaveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda

Ans. (a) Rigveda
Explanation – The “Panchgani Vidya” is mentioned for the first time in Rigveda.

Que 10. In which book the theory of the origin of the state is mentioned for the first time?

(a) Aitareya Brahmana
(b) Gopatha brahmin
(c) Shaunak
(d) Piplad

Ans. (a) Aitareya Brahmana
Explanation – The theory of the origin of the state is mentioned for the first time in the Aitareya Brahmana.

Que 11. Which was the most sacred river of Rigvedic Aryans?

(a) Indus
(b) Saraswati
(c) Vipasa
(d) Vitasta

Ans. (b) Saraswati
Explanation – Saraswati was the most sacred river of Rigvedic Aryans. For this, the word “Naditma” has been used in the Rigveda, which means – the chief of the rivers.

Que 12. Which river is mentioned most often in Rigveda?

(a) Indus
(b) Saraswati
(c) Vipasa
(d) Vista

Ans. (a) Indus
Explanation – The river Indus is mentioned most often in Rigveda. This was also a major river of the Aryans.

Que 13. How many rivers are mentioned in Rigveda?

(a) 25
(b) 20
(c) 31

Ans. (a) 25
Explanation – A total of 25 rivers have been mentioned in Rigveda.

Que 14. How many rivers are mentioned in the Nadi Sukta of Rigveda?
(a) 25
(b) 20
(c) 31
(d) 21

Ans. (d) 21
Explanation – A total of 21 rivers have been mentioned in Rigveda. The Saraswati River was the most sacred of these rivers, while the Indus River is the most frequently mentioned.

Que 15. Which one of the following rivers was called Parushni during the Vedic period?

(a) Indus
(b) Saraswati
(c) Ravi
(d) Jhelum

Ans. (c) Ravi
Explanation – The Ravi river was called Parushni in the Vedic period. It was a major river of the Vedic Aryans.

Que 16. Which of the following river was called “Vitasta” in the Vedic period?

(a) Indus
(b) Saraswati
(c) Ravi
(d) Jhelum

Ans. (d) Jhelum
Explanation – The Jhelum river was called Vitasta in the Vedic period. It was a major river of the Vedic Aryans.

Que 17. Which one of the following rivers was called “Shatudri” in the Vedic period?

(a) Sutlej
(b) Saraswati
(c) Ravi
(d) Jhelum

Ans. (a) Sutlej
Explanation – In the Vedic period, the Sutlej river was called Shatudri. It was a major river of the Vedic Aryans.

Que 18. Which one of the following rivers was called “Askini” in the Vedic period?

(a) Sutlej
(b) Saraswati
(c) Chenab
(d) Jhelum

Ans. (c) Chenab
Explanation – In the Vedic period, the Chenab river was called Askini. It was a major river of the Vedic Aryans.

Que 19. Which one of the following rivers did not belong to the region of Afghanistan during the Vedic period?

(a) Kumbha
(b) Krumu
(c) Suvatu
(d) Vipasa 

Ans. (d) Vipasa
Explanation – The Vipasa river was not related to the region of Afghanistan during the Vedic period. The name of the river Beas was Vipasa river in the Vedic period.

Que 20. How many times is the river Ganga mentioned in the Rigveda?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Ten
Ans. (a) One

Explanation – River Ganga is mentioned only one time in Rigveda.


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