Important Facts About Rigveda

As we know that “Important Description About Rigveda” is an important topic for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, and other exams. In every exam, 1 or 2 questions are asked about these topics. This content may enhance the knowledge of the candidates, who are preparing for these exams. 

 Brief Description Of Rigveda-

The collection of systematic knowledge of hymns is called Rigveda. This is the oldest text of the Aryans. Rik means verse or sloka. The hymns of Rigveda are full of Bhava songs praising various Gods. In these verses, there is the predominance of devotion. Apart from these shlokas, other types of shlokas are also given in Rigveda, but in Rigveda only the verses which praise the deities have primacy.

  • Rigveda was composed in the Saptsaindhav region.
  • A total of 10 mandalas are given in Rigveda. 
  • The number of hymns in Rigveda is 1028.
  • Whereas the number of mantras is 10580.
  • Mantras of Rigveda are also called Richa. The meaning of the Richa is – good speech.
  • Each hymn of the Rigveda may contain from 3 to 100 mantras or hymns. 
  • Maharishi Krishna Dvaipayana compiled the Vedas. That is why he is also called Vedavyasa.
  • Most of the mantras of Rigveda are related to the praise of the deities. 

The priest who performs the Yagya by reciting the mantras of Rigveda is called “Hotra”.

Rigveda is divided into three parts or texts –

1. Sakal – 1017 hymns are given in this.
2. Balkhilya – 11 hymns are given in this. 
3. Vashkal – A total of 56 hymns have been given in it. But it is currently not available.

Brahman Granth –
This is the prose part of the Vedas. 
They help in understanding the Vedas. 
There are two Brahmanical texts of Rigveda –

1. Aitareya Brahmin – 
The compiler of Aitareya Brahmin is Mahidasa. 
His mother’s name was Itaraa. 
He was called Aitareya because of being the son of Ira. 
The name of book composed by him was called Aitareya Brahmana.
In the Aitareya Brahmana, it is given about the coronation and sacrifices.

2. Kaushitaki Brahmin – 
The compiler of this Brahmin was Kaushik Rishi. 
In this brahmana, it is given about the sacrifices.

          Aranyaka – 
         The word Aranyak means – the one who is written in the forest. 
         These are also called forest books. 
         These books were mainly written for monks and students living in the forests. 
         These books describe philosophical principles and mysticism.
         There are two Aranyakas of Rigveda –
         1. Aitareya
         2. Kaushitaki

        Upanishads – 
        This is the last part of the Vedas.
        Hence they are also called Vedanta.
        The total number of Upanishads is 108. 
        But only 10 Upanishads are considered to be of special importance. 
        The Upanishads mainly describe the soul and Brahma.
        Rigveda has two Upanishads –
        1. Aitareya
        2. Kaushitaki

Mandalas of Rigveda – The mandalas of 2 to 7 of Rigveda are considered to be the oldest. At the same time, the rest of the other divisions are considered to be of later period. The 10th Mandala in which the Purusha Sukta is described is considered to be the last. The description of each mandala and its associated sage is as follows –

Mandala Associated Sage
First Kanva, Angira
Second Gritsamada Bhargava
Third Vishvamitra
Fourth  Vamadeva
Fifth Atri
Sixth Bharadwaj Angiras
Seventh Vasistha
Earth Kanva
Ninth Pavmaan Angira
Tenth Kshudrasuktiya

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