Minimum cost to make parity of elements same by removing Subarray

Given an arr[] of length N, the task is to make parity of arr[] the same by using the below-provided operation:

  • Select a subarray containing elements of the same parity.
  • Remove the subarray.
  • The cost to remove that subarray is (absolute adjacent difference of all elements present in sub-array)*(length of subarray). For a sub-array of length 1, the cost will be the element present in that subarray.


Input: N = 3, arr[] = {2, 4, 6}
Output: 0
Explanation: All the elements of given arr[] are even, Input arr[] has even parity already. Therefore, minimum cost is 0

Input: N = 4, arr[] = {22, 42, 64, 7}
Output: 7
Explanation: It will be optimal to remove sub-array {A4, .  . .  , A4} = {7}. Length of Sub-array is one, Therefore, minimum cost to remove this sub-array is = 7. After removing {7}, arr[] = {22, 42, 64}. it can be verified that now arr[] contains only even elements. Therefore, minimum cost to make parity of arr[] is 7.

Input: N = 7, arr[] = {2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 4} 
Output: 14
Explanation: It will be optimal to make arr[] of odd parity.
First sub-array = {2}, Cost = 2
Second sub-array = {4, 6, 4}, cost = ( |6-4|+|4-6| )*(3) = (2+2)*(3) = 12
Hence, Total minimum cost will be 2+12=14. arr[] after removing both sub-arrays = {3, 1, 5} 

Approach: Implement the idea below to solve the problem:

The problem is based on Greedy approach for finding minimum cost. Find all the sub-arrays of even and odd parity, Then calculate minimum cost for both in two different variables. Print the minimum between both costs.

Follow the illustration below for a better understanding:


Consider array arr[] = {2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 4}

Let us make the parity of given arr[] odd and even one by one.

  • Even parity arr[]: For making arr[] of even parity, We have to remove all sub-arrays having odd parity along with their cost. There is only one odd subarray present in arr[] from index 1 to 3.
    • First odd  sub-array = {3, 1, 5}. Cost for removing this sub-array = ( |1-3|+|5-1| )*(3) = 6*3=18
    • arr[] after removing the subarray is {2, 4, 6, 4}. It can be verified that now arr[] have even parity having costs as 18.
  • Odd parity arr[]: For making arr[] of odd parity, We have to remove all sub-arrays having even parity along with their cost. There are two even subarrays present in arr[] from index 0 to 0 and 4 to 6 respectively.
    • First even sub-array = {2}. Cost for removing this sub-array = 2
    • Second even sub-array = {4, 6, 4}. Cost for removing this sub-array = ( |6-4|+|4-6| )*(3) = 4*3 = 12 
    • arr[] after removing sub-arrays {1} and {4, 6, 4} is {1, 3, 5}. It can be verified that now arr[] have odd parity having costs as 2+12=14.

Now, We have test arr[] for both parities. The minimum cost will be min(cost for making arr[] parity even, cost for making arr[] parity odd).

Minimum cost = min(14, 18) = 14.

Follow  the steps mentioned below to implement the idea:

  • Consider two variables (Say min_cost_even and min_cost_odd) for holding minimum cost to make parity of arr[] odd or even respectively. 
  • Find all subarrays having odd parity, Calculate the cost of each sub-array and add it into min_cost_even.
  • Find all sub-arrays having Even parity, Calculate the cost of each sub-array and add it into min_cost_odd. 
  • Return the minimum value between both costs obtained in steps 2 and 3 i.e., min(min_cost_odd, min_cost_even).   

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function for finding minimum value
// from two input arguments
long mini(long a, long b) { return a <= b ? a : b; }
// Function for returning minimum cost
long minCost(int N, int arr[])
  // Variable to hold minimum cost,
  // to make arr[] parity even
  long min_cost_even = 0;
  // LeftEnd of arr[] initialized for finding
  // subarrays containing same parity elements
  int leftEnd = 0;
  // Variable to hold minimum cost,
  // to make arr[] parity odd
  long min_cost_odd = 0;
  // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Odd parity
  // according to 0 based indexing
  while (leftEnd < N) {
    if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 == 0) {
    else {
      int rightEnd = leftEnd;
      while (rightEnd < N - 1
             && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 != 0)
        rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
      // Condition When sub-array has length 1
      if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
        // Adding mincost to verify this
        // sub-array
        min_cost_even += arr[leftEnd];
      // When length is greater than 1
      else {
        // Temporary variable to hold cost for
        // this sub-array
        long temp = 0;
        // Loop for traversing on subarray
        for (int i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
             i++) {
          // Initializing temp with absolute
          // adjacent difference
          temp += (abs(arr[i] - arr[i - 1]));
        // Multiplying temp with subarray's
        // length
        temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
        // Adding temp's value to min_cost_even
        min_cost_even += temp;
      // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
      // subarray of odd parity
      leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
  // Set leftEnd to 0, So that we can traverse again
  // on arr[] For finding even parity sub-arrays
  leftEnd = 0;
  // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Even parity
  // according to 0 based indexing
  while (leftEnd < N) {
    if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 != 0) {
    else {
      int rightEnd = leftEnd;
      while (rightEnd < N - 1
             && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 == 0)
        rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
      // If sub-array is of length 1
      if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
        // Adding cost to min_cost_odd variable
        min_cost_odd += arr[leftEnd];
      // When sub-array has length greater than 1
      else {
        // Temp variable to hold cost for this
        // even parity sub-array
        long temp = 0;
        // Loop for traversing on sub-array
        for (int i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
             i++) {
          // Adding absolute adjacent
          // difference to temp
          temp += (abs(arr[i] - arr[i - 1]));
        // Multiplying temp with length of
        // sub-array
        temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
        // Adding temp value to min_cost_odd
        min_cost_odd += temp;
      // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
      // Even parity sub-array
      leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
  // Returning minimum cost
  return mini(min_cost_odd, min_cost_even);
int main()
  // Testcase1
  int N = 7;
  int arr[] = { 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 4 };
  // Function call
  cout << (minCost(N, arr)) << endl;
  // Testcase2
  int N2 = 5;
  int arr2[] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 };
  // Function call
  cout << (minCost(N2, arr2)) << endl;
  return 0;
// This code is contributed by ksam24000


// Java code to implement the approach
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Testcase1
        int N = 7;
        int[] arr = { 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 4 };
        // Function call
        System.out.println(minCost(N, arr));
        // Testcase2
        int N2 = 5;
        int[] arr2 = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 };
        // Function call
        System.out.println(minCost(N2, arr2));
    // Function for returning minimum cost
    static long minCost(int N, int[] arr)
        // Variable to hold minimum cost,
        // to make arr[] parity even
        long min_cost_even = 0;
        // LeftEnd of arr[] initialized for finding
        // subarrays containing same parity elements
        int leftEnd = 0;
        // Variable to hold minimum cost,
        // to make arr[] parity odd
        long min_cost_odd = 0;
        // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Odd parity
        // according to 0 based indexing
        while (leftEnd < N) {
            if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 == 0) {
            else {
                int rightEnd = leftEnd;
                while (rightEnd < N - 1
                       && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 != 0)
                    rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
                // Condition When sub-array has length 1
                if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
                    // Adding mincost to verify this
                    // sub-array
                    min_cost_even += arr[leftEnd];
                // When length is greater than 1
                else {
                    // Temporary variable to hold cost for
                    // this sub-array
                    long temp = 0;
                    // Loop for traversing on subarray
                    for (int i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
                         i++) {
                        // Initializing temp with absolute
                        // adjacent difference
                        temp += (Math.abs(arr[i]
                                          - arr[i - 1]));
                    // Multiplying temp with subarray's
                    // length
                    temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
                    // Adding temp's value to min_cost_even
                    min_cost_even += temp;
                // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
                // subarray of odd parity
                leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
        // Set leftEnd to 0, So that we can traverse again
        // on arr[] For finding even parity sub-arrays
        leftEnd = 0;
        // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Even parity
        // according to 0 based indexing
        while (leftEnd < N) {
            if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 != 0) {
            else {
                int rightEnd = leftEnd;
                while (rightEnd < N - 1
                       && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 == 0)
                    rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
                // If sub-array is of length 1
                if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
                    // Adding cost to min_cost_odd variable
                    min_cost_odd += arr[leftEnd];
                // When sub-array has length greater than 1
                else {
                    // Temp variable to hold cost for this
                    // even parity sub-array
                    long temp = 0;
                    // Loop for traversing on sub-array
                    for (int i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
                         i++) {
                        // Adding absolute adjacent
                        // difference to temp
                        temp += (Math.abs(arr[i]
                                          - arr[i - 1]));
                    // Multiplying temp with length of
                    // sub-array
                    temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
                    // Adding temp value to min_cost_odd
                    min_cost_odd += temp;
                // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
                // Even parity sub-array
                leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
        // Returning minimum cost
        return min(min_cost_odd, min_cost_even);
    // Function for finding minimum value
    // from two input arguments
    static long min(long a, long b)
        return a <= b ? a : b;


# Python code to implement the approach
# Function for finding minimum value
# from two input arguments
def Min(a, b):
    return a if a <= b else b
# Function for returning minimum cost
def minCost(N, arr):
        # Variable to hold minimum cost,
        # to make arr[] parity even
    min_cost_even = 0
    # LeftEnd of arr[] initialized for finding
    # subarrays containing same parity elements
    leftEnd = 0
    # Variable to hold minimum cost,
    # to make arr[] parity odd
    min_cost_odd = 0
    # Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Odd parity
    # according to 0 based indexing
    while(leftEnd < N):
        if(arr[leftEnd] % 2 == 0):
            leftEnd += 1
            rightEnd = leftEnd
            while(rightEnd < N-1 and arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 != 0):
                rightEnd = rightEnd + 1
            # Condition When sub-array has length 1
            if(leftEnd == rightEnd):
                # Adding mincost to verify this sub-array
                min_cost_even = min_cost_even + arr[leftEnd]
            # when length is greater than 1
                # Temporary variable to hold cost for this sub-array
                temp = 0
                # Loop for traversing on subarray
                for i in range(leftEnd + 1, rightEnd+1):
                        # Initializing temp with absolute adjacent difference
                    temp = temp + abs(arr[i] - arr[i-1])
                # Multiplying temp with subarray's length
                temp = temp * (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1)
                # Adding temp's value to min_cost_even
                min_cost_even = min_cost_even + temp
            # Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
                # subarray of odd parity
            leftEnd = rightEnd + 1
    # Set leftEnd to 0, So that we can traverse again
        # on arr[] For finding even parity sub-arrays
    leftEnd = 0
    # Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Even parity
    # according to 0 based indexing
    while(leftEnd < N):
        if(arr[leftEnd] % 2 != 0):
            leftEnd += 1
            rightEnd = leftEnd
            while(rightEnd < N-1 and arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 == 0):
                rightEnd = rightEnd + 1
            # If sub-array is of length 1
            if(leftEnd == rightEnd):
                # Adding cost to min_cost_odd variable
                min_cost_odd = min_cost_odd + arr[leftEnd]
            # When sub-array has length greater than 1
                # Temp variable to hold cost for this even parity sub-array
                temp = 0
                # loop for traversing on sub-array
                for i in range(leftEnd + 1, rightEnd+1):
                        # Adding absolute adjacent difference to temp
                    temp = temp + abs(arr[i] - arr[i-1])
                # Multiplying temp with length of sub-array
                temp = temp * (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1)
                # Adding temp value to min_cost_odd
                min_cost_odd = min_cost_odd + temp
            # Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
            # Even parity sub-array
            leftEnd = rightEnd + 1
    # Returning minimum cost
    return Min(min_cost_odd, min_cost_even)
# Testcase1
N = 7
arr = [2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 4]
# Function call
print(minCost(N, arr))
# Testcase2
N2 = 5
arr2 = [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]
# Function call
print(minCost(N2, arr2))
# This code is contributed by lokeshmvs21.


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
public class GFG {
    static public void Main()
        // Testcase1
        int N = 7;
        int[] arr = { 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 4 };
        // Function call
        Console.WriteLine(minCost(N, arr));
        // Testcase2
        int N2 = 5;
        int[] arr2 = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 };
        // Function call
        Console.WriteLine(minCost(N2, arr2));
    // Function for returning minimum cost
    static long minCost(int N, int[] arr)
        // Variable to hold minimum cost,
        // to make arr[] parity even
        long min_cost_even = 0;
        // LeftEnd of arr[] initialized for finding
        // subarrays containing same parity elements
        int leftEnd = 0;
        // Variable to hold minimum cost,
        // to make arr[] parity odd
        long min_cost_odd = 0;
        // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Odd parity
        // according to 0 based indexing
        while (leftEnd < N) {
            if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 == 0) {
            else {
                int rightEnd = leftEnd;
                while (rightEnd < N - 1
                       && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 != 0)
                    rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
                // Condition When sub-array has length 1
                if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
                    // Adding mincost to verify this
                    // sub-array
                    min_cost_even += arr[leftEnd];
                // When length is greater than 1
                else {
                    // Temporary variable to hold cost for
                    // this sub-array
                    long temp = 0;
                    // Loop for traversing on subarray
                    for (int i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
                         i++) {
                        // Initializing temp with absolute
                        // adjacent difference
                        temp += (Math.Abs(arr[i]
                                          - arr[i - 1]));
                    // Multiplying temp with subarray's
                    // length
                    temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
                    // Adding temp's value to min_cost_even
                    min_cost_even += temp;
                // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
                // subarray of odd parity
                leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
        // Set leftEnd to 0, So that we can traverse again
        // on arr[] For finding even parity sub-arrays
        leftEnd = 0;
        // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Even parity
        // according to 0 based indexing
        while (leftEnd < N) {
            if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 != 0) {
            else {
                int rightEnd = leftEnd;
                while (rightEnd < N - 1
                       && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 == 0)
                    rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
                // If sub-array is of length 1
                if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
                    // Adding cost to min_cost_odd variable
                    min_cost_odd += arr[leftEnd];
                // When sub-array has length greater than 1
                else {
                    // Temp variable to hold cost for this
                    // even parity sub-array
                    long temp = 0;
                    // Loop for traversing on sub-array
                    for (int i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
                         i++) {
                        // Adding absolute adjacent
                        // difference to temp
                        temp += (Math.Abs(arr[i]
                                          - arr[i - 1]));
                    // Multiplying temp with length of
                    // sub-array
                    temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
                    // Adding temp value to min_cost_odd
                    min_cost_odd += temp;
                // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
                // Even parity sub-array
                leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
        // Returning minimum cost
        return min(min_cost_odd, min_cost_even);
    // Function for finding minimum value
    // from two input arguments
    static long min(long a, long b)
        return a <= b ? a : b;
// This code is contributed by lokeshmvs21.


   // JavaScript code for the above approach
   // Function for returning minimum cost
   function minCost(N, arr) {
     // Variable to hold minimum cost,
     // to make arr[] parity even
     let min_cost_even = 0;
     // LeftEnd of arr[] initialized for finding
     // subarrays containing same parity elements
     let leftEnd = 0;
     // Variable to hold minimum cost,
     // to make arr[] parity odd
     let min_cost_odd = 0;
     // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Odd parity
     // according to 0 based indexing
     while (leftEnd < N) {
       if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 == 0) {
       else {
         let rightEnd = leftEnd;
         while (rightEnd < N - 1
           && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 != 0)
           rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
         // Condition When sub-array has length 1
         if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
           // Adding mincost to verify this
           // sub-array
           min_cost_even += arr[leftEnd];
         // When length is greater than 1
         else {
           // Temporary variable to hold cost for
           // this sub-array
           let temp = 0;
           // Loop for traversing on subarray
           for (let i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
             i++) {
             // Initializing temp with absolute
             // adjacent difference
             temp += (Math.abs(arr[i]
               - arr[i - 1]));
           // Multiplying temp with subarray's
           // length
           temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
           // Adding temp's value to min_cost_even
           min_cost_even += temp;
         // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
         // subarray of odd parity
         leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
     // Set leftEnd to 0, So that we can traverse again
     // on arr[] For finding even parity sub-arrays
     leftEnd = 0;
     // Algorithm to find Sub-arrays of Even parity
     // according to 0 based indexing
     while (leftEnd < N) {
       if (arr[leftEnd] % 2 != 0) {
       else {
         let rightEnd = leftEnd;
         while (rightEnd < N - 1
           && arr[rightEnd + 1] % 2 == 0)
           rightEnd = rightEnd + 1;
         // If sub-array is of length 1
         if (leftEnd == rightEnd) {
           // Adding cost to min_cost_odd variable
           min_cost_odd += arr[leftEnd];
         // When sub-array has length greater than 1
         else {
           // Temp variable to hold cost for this
           // even parity sub-array
           let temp = 0;
           // Loop for traversing on sub-array
           for (let i = leftEnd + 1; i <= rightEnd;
             i++) {
             // Adding absolute adjacent
             // difference to temp
             temp += (Math.abs(arr[i]
               - arr[i - 1]));
           // Multiplying temp with length of
           // sub-array
           temp *= (rightEnd - leftEnd + 1);
           // Adding temp value to min_cost_odd
           min_cost_odd += temp;
         // Incrementing leftEnd for finding next
         // Even parity sub-array
         leftEnd = rightEnd + 1;
     // Returning minimum cost
     return min(min_cost_odd, min_cost_even);
   // Function for finding minimum value
   // from two input arguments
   function min(a, b) {
     return a <= b ? a : b;
   // Driver Function
   // Testcase1
   let N = 7;
   let arr = [2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 4];
   // Function call
   console.log(minCost(N, arr) + "<br>");
   // Testcase2
   let N2 = 5;
   let arr2 = [1, 2, 3, 5, 4];
   // Function call
  console.log(minCost(N2, arr2));
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh



Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: No extra space is used.

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