Javascript Program for Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray
Write an efficient program to find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers that has the largest sum....
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Javascript Program For Finding Subarray With Given Sum – Set 1 (Nonnegative Numbers)
Given an unsorted array of nonnegative integers, find a continuous subarray which adds to a given number. Examples :...
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Javascript Program to Find if there is a subarray with 0 sum
Given an array of positive and negative numbers, find if there is a subarray (of size at-least one) with 0 sum....
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Javascript Program for Size of The Subarray With Maximum Sum
An array is given, find length of the subarray having maximum sum....
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Php Program For Finding Subarray With Given Sum – Set 1 (Nonnegative Numbers)
Given an unsorted array of nonnegative integers, find a continuous subarray which adds to a given number. Examples :...
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Javascript Program for Maximum circular subarray sum
Given n numbers (both +ve and -ve), arranged in a circle, find the maximum sum of consecutive numbers....
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Javascript Program for Queries to find maximum sum contiguous subarrays of given length in a rotating array
Given an array arr[] of N integers and Q queries of the form {X, Y} of the following two types:...
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Find total number of positions in all Subarrays such that position and value are same
Given an array A[] of size N, the task is to find the total number of positions in all the subarrays such that the value and position are the same....
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Generate Array whose sum of all K-size subarrays divided by N leaves remainder X
Given three integer N, K and X, the task is to create an array of length N such that sum of all its K-length subarrays modulo N is X.Examples:...
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Length of the longest subarray whose Bitwise XOR is K
Given an array arr[] of size N and an integer K, the task is to find the length of the longest subarray having Bitwise XOR of all its elements equal to K....
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Bitwise operations on Subarrays of size K
Given an array arr[] of positive integers and a number K, the task is to find the minimum and maximum values of Bitwise operation on elements of subarray of size K....
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Count Subarrays with strictly decreasing consecutive elements
Given an array arr[] containing integers. The task is to find the number of decreasing subarrays with a difference of 1....
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