Microsoft Azure – Configuring Backup For Azure App Services

In this article, we will look into the process of configuring a backup for your Azure app servers and database.

Follow the below steps to create a backup for your Azure Apps and databases:

Step 1: Go to your application blade and type in “backups” and click on the Backups option.

Step 2: Now, we’ll click on configure, and in the backup configuration, we need to select the storage container that we want to use to put our backups in. 

Step 3: Next, we’ll need to turn schedule backups to be on, we could also select the interval that we want to have it backed up on, and if we had a database, we could even select to have that backed up as well. Finally, click on Save.

Step 4: Now in the backup screen, we have the option to either restore our previous backup or we can either manually force a backup to execute.

 If we click on Backup, you’ll notice that the backup is now in process and in just a few moments the backup will be complete. 

If I click on an already succeeded backup, we could see the creation time and we also have the ability to download the backup. 

If we click on restore, we can select the backup that we want to use, and also we could choose to override our existing application or select a new application as the target of our backup.

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