Merkle-Sokrati Interview Experience for SDE Intern (Frontend)

Applied through LinkedIn – 2 weeks ago the criteria was ReactJS, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

  • Invitation mail for Video Interview: 8 Oct 2021
  • Interview Platform: MS Teams
  • Duration: 1 hour (approx.)

My screen was shared

Round -1(Technical):

  1. Introduce yourself

  2. In which fields you are proficient

  3. I was asked to explain one of my projects.

  4. Do you know about CSS:

    • how can we include CSS in HTML document, show all the 3 methods (show by coding on IDE)
    • Box-sizing, Grid, FlexBox, Parent-child relationship, Seudo-element, Seudo-Class, the difference between the two.
  5. Do you know about JavaScript:

    • What is JS, How it is different from C++ (my programming language)
    • Promises, Hoisting, Callbacks ( I was asked to code to show how to make callbacks)
    • High order functions
    • Explain call(), apply() and, bind() methods.
    • difference between simple functions and high order functions
    • Difference between var, let, and const keywords (Very imp.)
    • what is API, app.GET, app.POST


  6. Do you know about Event Loops (as I was mentioned ReactJS in my resume)

  7. Do you know about DSA, Array, Linked list, Dynamic Array

  8. Difference between array and linked list.

  9. Time Complexity of deleting an element in Array and Linked List

  10. Circular Linked list and its application in real life.

I was supposed to explain each of the keywords I mentioned above.

In the end, I asked the interviewer about the duration and stipend of the intern as it was not mentioned in the job description. So it was meant for 6 months.


  • You should know at least “What” of everything you have written in your resume. You should be able to explain it clearly.
  • You could be asked to show how to implement the particular feature by coding on any IDE.
  • You should remember the proper syntax of coding whether it is Web development(project) or programming.
  • Strongly prepare your basic fundamentals, definitions, differences, etc.

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