Factwise Interview Experience Frontend Engineer Intern

This was an on-campus opportunity

Round 1:

Online Test: The online test was great, it was half DSA half Frontend(react) questions. (Easy)

Round 2:

Technical Interview: The interviewer asked for a basic introduction and then asked some react questions, they asked me to share my screen and code an input control using useState. After this, they asked some react-specific questions related to hooks like useMemo.

Round 3:

Technical Interview: The interviewer asked for a basic introduction and then asked me to code up tic tac toe in React, they asked me to make it fully functional with follow-up requests to add features based on the game state.

Round 4:

Founder Interview- The interviewer introduced himself and then I introduced myself, after this, we discussed about my previous experiences and my projects for a bit. After this, he asked me for some easy medium math puzzles. Overall it was just a candid conversation and not a formal interview.

Verdict: Got offered a position for an intern (8 months)

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