Maximum count of values of S modulo M lying in a range [L, R] after performing given operations on the array

Given an array arr[] of N integers along with integers M, L, R. Consider a variable S(initially 0). The task is to find the maximum count of values of S % M that lies in the range [L, R] after performing the following operations for each element in the given array:

  • Add arr[i] or arr[i] – 1 to S.
  • Change S to S % M.


Input: arr[] = {17, 11, 10, 8, 15}, M = 22, L = 14, R = 16
Output: 3
Initially S = 0, 
Step 1: Choose, arr[0] – 1 = 16 and add it to S = 16 and S%M = 16. Therefore, count = 1
Step 2: Choose, arr[1] = 11 and add it to S = 16 + 11 = 27 and S%M = 5. Therefore, count = 1
Step 3: Choose, arr[2] = 10 and add it to S = 16 + 10 +11 = 37 and S%M = 15. Therefore, count = 2
Step 4: Choose, arr[3] = 8 and add it to S = 16 + 10 + 11 + 8 = 45 and S%M = 1. Therefore, count = 2
Step 5: Choose, arr[4] = 15 and add it to S = 16 + 10 + 11 + 8 + 15 = 60 and S%M = 16. Therefore, count = 3.
Hence the maximum count is 3.

Input: arr[] = {23, 1}, M = 24, L = 21, R = 23
Output: 2

Naive Approach: The simplest approach is to traverse the given array arr[] and add arr[i] or arr[i – 1] to the given S and check if S%M lies in the range [L, R] or not. Since there are two possibilities to choose the given numbers. Therefore, use recursion to recursively get the maximum count of values of S%M lies in the range [L, R].

Time Complexity: O(2N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

Efficient Approach: To optimize the above approach the idea is to use Dynamic Programming to store the overlapping subproblems and then find the maximum count of S%M lies in the range [L, R]. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  1. Initialize a unordered_map dp to store the values of states that have overlapping subproblems.
  2. Initialize the sum to be 0, and then recursively add arr[i] or arr[i] – 1 value to the sum S.
  3. At every step, check whether the S%M lies in the range [L, R] or not. If it lies in the range then count that value and update this current state in the above map dp as 1. Else update as 0.
  4. After looking out for all possible combinations, return the count of values of S%M that lies in the range [L, R].

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Lookup table
map<pair<int, int>, int> dp;
// Function to count the value of S
// after adding arr[i] or arr[i - 1]
// to the sum S at each time
int countMagicNumbers(int idx, int sum,
                      int a[], int n,
                      int m, int l, int r)
    // Base Case
    if (idx == n) {
        // Store the mod value
        int temp = sum % m;
        // If the mod value lies in
        // the range then return 1
        if (temp == l || temp == r
            || (temp > l && temp < r))
            return dp[{ idx, sum }] = 1;
        // Else return 0
            return dp[{ idx, sum }] = 0;
    // Store the current state
    pair<int, int> curr
        = make_pair(idx, sum);
    // If already computed, return the
    // computed value
    if (dp.find(curr) != dp.end())
        return dp[curr];
    // Recursively adding the elements
    // to the sum adding ai value
    int ls = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                               sum + a[idx],
                               a, n,
                               m, l, r);
    // Adding arr[i] - 1 value
    int rs = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                               sum + (a[idx] - 1),
                               a, n, m, l, r);
    // Return the maximum count to
    // check for root value as well
    int temp1 = max(ls, rs);
    int temp = sum % m;
    // Avoid counting idx = 0 as possible
    // solution we are using idx != 0
    if ((temp == l || temp == r
         || (temp > l && temp < r))
        && idx != 0) {
        temp1 += 1;
    // Return the value of current state
    return dp[{ idx, sum }] = temp1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 5, M = 22, L = 14, R = 16;
    int arr[] = { 17, 11, 10, 8, 15 };
    cout << countMagicNumbers(0, 0, arr,
                              N, M, L, R);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.Point;
public class Main
    // Lookup table
    static HashMap<Point, Integer> dp = new HashMap<Point, Integer>();
    // Function to count the value of S
    // after adding arr[i] or arr[i - 1]
    // to the sum S at each time
    static int countMagicNumbers(int idx, int sum, int[] a,
                                 int n, int m, int l, int r)
        // Base Case
        if (idx == n) {
            // Store the mod value
            int Temp = sum % m;
            // If the mod value lies in
            // the range then return 1
            if (Temp == l || Temp == r || (Temp > l && Temp < r))
                dp.put(new Point(idx, sum), 1);
                return dp.get(new Point(idx, sum));
            // Else return 0
                dp.put(new Point(idx, sum), 0);
                return dp.get(new Point(idx, sum));
        // Store the current state
        Point curr = new Point(idx, sum);
        // If already computed, return the
        // computed value
        if (dp.containsKey(curr))
            return dp.get(curr);
        // Recursively adding the elements
        // to the sum adding ai value
        int ls = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                                   sum + a[idx],
                                   a, n,
                                   m, l, r);
        // Adding arr[i] - 1 value
        int rs = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                                   sum + (a[idx] - 1),
                                   a, n, m, l, r);
        // Return the maximum count to
        // check for root value as well
        int temp1 = Math.max(ls, rs);
        int temp = sum % m;
        // Avoid counting idx = 0 as possible
        // solution we are using idx != 0
        if ((temp == l || temp == r
             || (temp > l && temp < r))
            && idx != 0) {
            temp1 += 1;
        // Return the value of current state
        dp.put(new Point(idx, sum), temp1);
        return dp.get(new Point(idx, sum));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int N = 5, M = 22, L = 14, R = 16;
        int[] arr = { 17, 11, 10, 8, 15 };
        System.out.print(countMagicNumbers(0, 0, arr, N, M, L, R));
// This code is contributed by divyesh072019.


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Lookup table
dp = {}
# Function to count the value of S
# after adding arr[i] or arr[i - 1]
# to the sum S at each time
def countMagicNumbers(idx, sum, a, n, m, l, r):
    # Base Case
    if (idx == n):
        # Store the mod value
        temp = sum % m
        # If the mod value lies in
        # the range then return 1
        if (temp == l or temp == r or
           (temp > l and temp < r)):
            dp[(idx, sum)] = 1
            return dp[(idx, sum)]
        # Else return 0
            dp[(idx, sum)] = 0
            return dp[(idx, sum)]
    # Store the current state
    curr = (idx, sum)
    # If already computed, return the
    # computed value
    if (curr in dp):
        return dp[curr]
    # Recursively adding the elements
    # to the sum adding ai value
    ls = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                           sum + a[idx],
                           a, n, m, l, r)
    # Adding arr[i] - 1 value
    rs = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                           sum + (a[idx] - 1),
                           a, n, m, l, r)
    # Return the maximum count to
    # check for root value as well
    temp1 = max(ls, rs)
    temp = sum % m
    # Avoid counting idx = 0 as possible
    # solution we are using idx != 0
    if ((temp == l or temp == r or
        (temp > l and temp < r)) and
         idx != 0):
        temp1 += 1
    # Return the value of current state
    dp[(idx, sum)] = temp1
    return dp[(idx, sum)]
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 5
    M = 22
    L = 14
    R = 16
    arr = [ 17, 11, 10, 8, 15 ]
    print(countMagicNumbers(0, 0, arr, N, M, L, R))
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    // Lookup table
    static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int> dp = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int>();
    // Function to count the value of S
    // after adding arr[i] or arr[i - 1]
    // to the sum S at each time
    static int countMagicNumbers(int idx, int sum, int[] a, int n, int m, int l, int r)
        // Base Case
        if (idx == n) {
            // Store the mod value
            int Temp = sum % m;
            // If the mod value lies in
            // the range then return 1
            if (Temp == l || Temp == r
                || (Temp > l && Temp < r))
                return dp[new Tuple<int,int>(idx, sum)] = 1;
            // Else return 0
                return dp[new Tuple<int,int>(idx, sum)] = 0;
        // Store the current state
        Tuple<int,int> curr
            = new Tuple<int,int>(idx, sum);
        // If already computed, return the
        // computed value
        if (dp.ContainsKey(curr))
            return dp[curr];
        // Recursively adding the elements
        // to the sum adding ai value
        int ls = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                                   sum + a[idx],
                                   a, n,
                                   m, l, r);
        // Adding arr[i] - 1 value
        int rs = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                                   sum + (a[idx] - 1),
                                   a, n, m, l, r);
        // Return the maximum count to
        // check for root value as well
        int temp1 = Math.Max(ls, rs);
        int temp = sum % m;
        // Avoid counting idx = 0 as possible
        // solution we are using idx != 0
        if ((temp == l || temp == r
             || (temp > l && temp < r))
            && idx != 0) {
            temp1 += 1;
        // Return the value of current state
        return dp[new Tuple<int,int>(idx, sum)] = temp1;
  static void Main() {
    int N = 5, M = 22, L = 14, R = 16;
    int[] arr = { 17, 11, 10, 8, 15 };
    Console.Write(countMagicNumbers(0, 0, arr, N, M, L, R));
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07.


    // Javascript program for the above approach
    // Lookup table
    let dp = new Map();
    // Function to count the value of S
    // after adding arr[i] or arr[i - 1]
    // to the sum S at each time
    function countMagicNumbers(idx, sum, a, n, m, l, r)
        // Base Case
        if (idx == n) {
            // Store the mod value
            let temp = sum % m;
            // If the mod value lies in
            // the range then return 1
            if (temp == l || temp == r
                || (temp > l && temp < r))
                return dp[[ idx, sum ]] = 1;
            // Else return 0
                return dp[[ idx, sum ]] = 0;
        // Store the current state
        let curr = [idx, sum];
        // If already computed, return the
        // computed value
        if (dp.has(curr))
            return dp[curr];
        // Recursively adding the elements
        // to the sum adding ai value
        let ls = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                                   sum + a[idx],
                                   a, n,
                                   m, l, r);
        // Adding arr[i] - 1 value
        let rs = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                                   sum + (a[idx] - 1),
                                   a, n, m, l, r);
        // Return the maximum count to
        // check for root value as well
        let temp1 = Math.max(ls, rs);
        let temp = sum % m;
        // Avoid counting idx = 0 as possible
        // solution we are using idx != 0
        if ((temp == l || temp == r
             || (temp > l && temp < r))
            && idx != 0) {
            temp1 += 1;
        // Return the value of current state
        dp[[ idx, sum ]] = temp1;
        return dp[[ idx, sum ]];
    let N = 5, M = 22, L = 14, R = 16;
    let arr = [ 17, 11, 10, 8, 15 ];
    document.write(countMagicNumbers(0, 0, arr, N, M, L, R));
  // This code is contributed by mukesh07.



Time Complexity: O(S*N), where N is the size of the given array, and S is the sum of all array elements.
Space Complexity: O(S*N)

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