Math Algorithms

What are Mathematical Algorithms?

Mathematical algorithm can be defined as an algorithm or procedure which is utilized to solve a mathematical problem, or mathematical problem which can be solved using DSA.

In the field of DSA, mathematical algorithms refer to those algorithms which are generally used to solve problems related to the field of computer science.

What are some use cases of Mathematical Algorithms?

It is a very useful topic for solving problems of computer science and also has vast applications in competitive programming. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Problem-Solving: It is mostly used in solving complex mathematical ideas in mathematics and computer science.
  • Competitive Programming: Algorithms like Sieve of Eratosthenes, Euclid algorithm, Binary exponentiation are some of the most common topics used in competitive programming.
  • Recurrence relation: A lot of problems in DSA require the usage of recursion. Using the knowledge of mathematics several recurrence relations can be turned into mathematical formulae which makes solving the problem quite an easy task.
  • Heavy calculation: Problems containing complex mathematical concepts and heavy calculations are easily done in comparatively less time using these algorithms instead of manual calculations.
  • Statistics: Mathematical algorithms are also important for data processing, i.e., for converting raw data into useful information and also for analyzing them.

Table of Content

  • What are Mathematical Algorithms?
  • What are some use cases of Mathematical Algorithms?
  • Divisibility & Large Numbers:
  • GCD and LCM
  • Series
  • Number Digits
  • Algebra
  • Number System
  • Prime Numbers & Primality Tests
  • Prime Factorization & Divisors
  • Modular Arithmetic
  • Factorial
  • Fibonacci Numbers
  • Catalan Numbers
  • nCr Computations
  • Set Theory
  • Sieve Algorithms
  • Euler Totient Function
  • Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • Some Practice Problems

Divisibility & Large Numbers:

GCD and LCM:


Number Digits:


Number System:

Prime Numbers & Primality Tests:

Prime Factorization & Divisors:

Modular Arithmetic:


Fibonacci Numbers:

Catalan Numbers:

nCr Computations:

Set Theory:

Sieve Algorithms:

Euler Totient Function:

Chinese Remainder Theorem:

Some Practice Problems:

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