MakeMyTrip Interview Experience (On-Campus)

MakeMyTrip visited our campus VIT Vellore on 8th August 2021 for hiring Full-Time Software Developer Engineers. Here is my virtual interview Experience.

Round-1 (MCQs + Coding): [ 2 hours ] – 6:00 PM

Around 645 students wrote this round. This round was conducted online on HackerEarth. The test comprised 20 MCQ’s and 2 coding questions. The MCQ questions were mainly based on Data Structures and Algorithms (10), predict the output (4), OS and DBMS (4), and General Aptitude (2). The questions were quite fundamental and one must know the basic concepts very well. 

The coding questions were of a moderate level. The questions that I got was :

  1. Simple Recursive Solution ( Moderate ) :
  2. Find the path to the end of the maze ( Moderately Tough ): The question was similar to a normal maze problem with the addition that the maze had doors and walls. You have 2 glasses. One glass allows you to pass through walls and the other helps you pass through doors. Condition is you can start with any of the one glass till the end. You have to tell the minimum time taken to reach the bottom right of the maze in both conditions (once using glass1 and once using glass 2).

Round-2 (Technical Interview -1): [ 1hr 30mins ]  – 10:00 AM

34 students were shortlisted for this round. The technical interview of mine was taken by a panel member who had over 12 years of experience in software development firms. When my turn came, without wasting any time he simply jumped into the first coding question. 

  • The first question was a modified version of “finding a point on the X-Y plane that is closest to the remaining points plotted”. He asked me to consider parallel buildings. One in which there were people residing on random floors ( maybe 1,2, 56,103….). In the parallel building, there was an AIRTEL office to be constructed on a particular floor. From this floor, ‘x’ wires would be sent to floors where people are residing. The cost of wire is the difference in height. You need to tell which floor is the optimal floor such that the cost of installation is minimum. I answered this question with the help of statistics (median) and he asked me to prove my point. I was not able to make it clear though. So he gave me an example that supported my answer and then asked me to reframe my explanation. He was satisfied with my answer then.
  • The second question was to complete the bool isBST(). Given a tree check if it is a Binary Search Tree. He asked me to code the isBST() function and provided some test cases and asked me to run through the code. I was able to do the entire code and show its correctness using test cases. This was it for the coding part. Later he asked me if I had knowledge about SQL and Databases. On saying he asked me questions like ACID properties, inner joins, relationships, and examples. I was able to answer these questions well. 
  • He then asked me if I was into the front end or backend. I went for the front-end because my previous interview did not go well with the back-end. He later went on to ask me questions on JavaScript and asked me about React, closure, hoisting, etc, because I had worked on React for a year I was comfortable with the questions. He later asked me to send a project link that I had made. ( He just saw the website and did not ask anything about it ). I was not very confident about clearing this round as I stammered during the DSA part, but I did very well in the development round.

Round-3 (Technical Interview -2): [ 45 mins ]  – 2:30 PM

  • A total of 16 members got selected for this round. This round was taken by the Vice-President of Technology. I was nervous because the person taking the interview had 20+ years of experience. The interviewer was very kind and polite and asked me to introduce myself. I told about my academics and how the previous interviews went. He later asked about my family and what the members do. He later started asking me about my projects. I showed him 3 projects and explained him ( the tech stack, concept, my contribution ). He was happy with the explanation as I showed him the projects which I REALLY worked on. 
  • He later asked me about my work experience. I told him that I had done 3 internships as a web developer, SharePoint developer, and software engineer. I explained to him about the recent internship I had been doing. Told him my role and stack I had been using and what I learned so far.
  • He was curious if I had done any design work at the time of creating my projects. I showed him 3 website designs created on Figma and he probably liked them.
  • He ended up asking if I had any questions. I asked questions regarding how the life of a software engineer at MMT is like and what they pretty much do? He answered it very clearly.
  • I was confident that I would make it to the next round, and it did happen.

Round-4 ( HR ): [ 5 mins ] – 7:00 PM

  • A total of 8 members were shortlisted for this round. This round happened almost 5 hours later. It was a telephonic round. 
  • The HR introduced herself and asked me to do the same. 
  • After the introduction, she asked me how has the day been so far and what does my family looks like. She was very friendly and professional so she kept it short and simple. She then asked me if I have any questions from my side. I asked 2 decent questions. 

The result came out at 11:00 PM the very same day. A total of 7 people were selected for the FTE role and I was one of them.

Verdict: Selected

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