MakeMyTrip Interview Experience for Software Engineer (On-Campus)

Make My Trip visited NIT Delhi on 6 August 2022 to hire Software Engineers. 

The process consisted of 3 rounds – 

  1. Aptitude + Computer Fundamentals + Coding Test 
  2. Technical Round 1
  3. Technical Round 2 

Aptitude + Computer Fundamentals + Coding Test: This round was conducted on HackerEarth. The time given was 1hr 30mins. It consisted of 20MCQ questions and two coding questions. MCQs were from topics like DBMS, OOPS, CN and OS. Two coding questions were – 

  1. Reachable Nodes With Restrictions ( Easy ) –
  2. Longest Ideal Subsequence ( Medium ) –

21 students were selected after this round.

Technical Round 1  (Duration: 1hr): This round was Data Structures and Algorithms round. Two questions asked by the interviewer were – 

  1. Finding Loop in Linked List (Tortoise and Hare Method) (Medium)
  2. Find k largest elements of an array (Heaps) (Easy/Medium)

10-12 students were selected for Round 2.

Technical Round 2 (Duration: 1hr): This round was mainly about projects and Computer Science Fundamentals. First, the interviewer asked me to explain my project and asked some related questions. They asked me about authentication, authorization, the need for authentication, and the ways it can be implemented (Sessions and JWT Tokens). 

Next, they asked DBMS-related questions:

  1. What is the use of Indexing in DBMS? How many types of indexing are there? 
  2. Write SQL Query for this problem – Department Highest Salary
  3. Difference between primary key and unique field

OOPS, related questions:

  1. Explain four pillars of OOPS
  2. Difference between Static Binding and Dynamic Binding

OS Related questions:

  1. What is virtual memory?
  2. How is memory assigned to a process?
  3. List some of the process scheduling algorithms

CN-related questions:

  1. List all the OSI model layers
  2. What does the network layer do?
  3. Difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
  4. Difference between TCP and UDP?

They also asked if I had worked on multi-threading. I denied.

After this round, 5 students got selected and I was one of them.

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