CarWale Interview Experience for SDE (On-Campus) 2022

Shortlisting Round

Online Coding Round: The test was held online on the Hackerrank platform. There were a total of 4 questions. Mostly the coding questions were different for everyone. I was able to solve the first two questions and pass a few test cases of the fourth question.

The question was as follows:

  • Make the Array Empty: You need to make a given array empty in a minimum number of steps. You can remove the array elements under a given condition.
    Condition : [ 2i + 2j  = 2x ] if the elements form a condition like this then you can remove element “i” and “j” . You can select multiple elements if they satisfy the condition.

    Example: Let’s say array elements be [ 2, 0, 2, 3 ] 
    1st Step : 22 + 22 + 23 = 2            ==>[ 2, 0, 2, 3 ]
    2nd Step : 20 = 20                           ==>[0]

    The total number of steps taken = 2.

  • Find MEX with a twist: You need to find the MEX element in the array. (MEX of an array refers to the smallest missing non-negative integer of the array)
    The twist is you are also given a value ‘x’ and you can do unlimited operations on each element of the array by adding or subtracting the elements by ‘x’.
  • A question that was based on sets and matrix (sorry do not remember this ques)
  • Determine the Array indexes: This was indeed a very interesting question. So the input consisted of ‘q’ queries and each query has two values ‘L’ and ‘R’ which represent the sum from ‘L’ index to the ‘R’ index position. You need to return all the indexes of the array which can be determined using these queries.
    Example : queries = [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 2 ]
    1. Now using queries 1 and 2 I can determine the value present at index 3. I can delete the result of query 1 from query 2 the resultant will give us the value present at index 3.
    2. And in the third query we can determine the value present at index 2 (it’s clearly given in the query)
    So my answer would be ( 3,2 ).

Interview Rounds

I was shortlisted for the further interview rounds (Offline) which were structured like this: Coding/DSA round + System Design round + HR round

Coding/DSA Round: After a bit of Introduction and discussion over the questions I solved during the shortlisting process  I was asked two DSA Based Coding questions. Both the Questions were based on the array. The Interviewer was quite friendly and we discussed each and every approach in detail.

  1. Find the Majority element. Well, this was a pretty standard problem and I quickly gave an O(N) Time Complexity Solution and O(N) space complexity solution. Then the interviewer asked me to write the code. Then we Discussed 2-3 more approaches to this and finally arrived at a Constant Space solution.
  2. Next greater element: This was also a standard question but you had to find the next greater element in a cyclic order. So solving it using stack was not an option. But I was able to achieve the most optimized approach easily and then coded it down.

Tips: Speak out while solving! let the interviewer know about your approach, your thought process, and what you think about the Test Cases and you can also make your own Test Cases and discuss the approach. Explain the dry run quite clearly with a proper stream of understanding.

System Design Round: The interviewer was very friendly and mentioned that more than my system design knowledge they were interested in my thought process. The interview kicked off with a topic related to my project. This round would revolve mostly around your resume and projects. Be prepared to build a design of some topic related to your projects. Then we talked some more time about Cache and other storage methods. Benefits of using it, which one would be fast, how would you update, etc. Then there were some more questions related to the company and its use cases and how would we tackle if we encounter a problem.

Tips: Do not speak unnecessarily in this round. If you speak something you don’t know of then the further questions would be a follow-up of your current answer. This would leave you blank and will put out a bad impression. 

Even think out of the box! there is not a single correct answer out there…but many answers out there. You just need to explain your design and prove your answer.

HR Round: If you reach the HR round you are almost selected. The interviewer was quite good and made me comfortable. After a scan of my resume, we began our discussion. The discussion usually revolves around your life and important events in it and what points you learned from them, etc, Some of the questions were like how would my friends describe me, what are the things I am proud of, what would I like to change if I could do in my 10th, how would I rate my Coding round and System Design round, and why, what would be strengths and my major weaknesses and what I am doing to overcome them, where I see myself in five years time, and much more! 

This was quite a relaxing round and it was more like a conversation rather than an interview.

Verdict: Selected


  1. Ask your interviewer questions after each round. Ask something about the company which shows your curiosity about the company. 
  2. Try to solve as many questions as possible in the shortlisting coding round. (even if some test cases are passing)
  3. Do not worry and be consistent even if your interview is extended from 1 to 2hrs.

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