Magnet Puzzle

The puzzle game Magnets involves placing a set of domino-shaped magnets (or electrets or other polarized objects) in a subset of slots on a board so as to satisfy a set of constraints. For example, the puzzle on the left has the solution shown on the right:  

Each slot contains either a blank entry (indicated by ‘x’s), or a “magnet” with a positive and negative end. The numbers along the left and top sides show the numbers of ‘+’ squares in particular rows or columns. Those along the right and bottom show the number of ‘-’ signs in particular rows or columns. Rows and columns without a number at one or both ends are unconstrained as to the number of ‘+’ or ‘-’ signs, depending on which number is not present. In addition to fulfilling these numerical constraints, a puzzle solution must also satisfy the constraint that no two orthogonally touching squares may have the same sign (diagonally joined squares are not constrained). You are given top[], bottom[], left[], right[] arrays indicates the count of + or – along the top(+), bottom(-), left(+) and right(-) edges respectively. Values of -1 indicate any number of + and – signs. Also given matrix rules[][] contain any one T, B, L or R characters. For a vertical slot in the board, T indicates its top end and B indicates the bottom end. For a horizontal slot in the board, L indicates left end and R indicates the right end. 


Input : M = 5, N = 6
top[] = { 1, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1 }
bottom[] = { 2, -1, -1, 2, -1, 3 }
left[] = { 2, 3, -1, -1, -1 }
right[] = { -1, -1, -1, 1, -1 }
rules[][] = { { L, R, L, R, T, T },
{ L, R, L, R, B, B },
{ T, T, T, T, L, R },
{ B, B, B, B, T, T },
{ L, R, L, R, B, B }};
Output : + - + - X -
- + - + X +
X X + - + -
X X - + X +
- + X X X -

Input : M = 4, N = 3
top[] = { 2, -1, -1 }
bottom[] = { -1, -1, 2 }
left[] = { -1, -1, 2, -1 }
right[] = { 0, -1, -1, -1 }
rules[][] = { { T, T, T },
{ B, B, B },
{ T, L, R },
{ B, L, R } };
Output : + X +
– X –
+ – +
– + –

We can solve this problem using Backtracking


// Write Python3 code here
using namespace std;
bool checkConstraints(vector<vector<char>> &rules){
  int M = 5;
  int N = 6;
  vector<int> top = { 1, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1 };
  vector<int> bottom = {2, -1, -1, 2, -1, 3 };
  vector<int> left = {2, 3, -1, -1, -1};
  vector<int> right = {-1, -1, -1, 1, -1};
  vector<int> pCountH(rules.size(), 0);
  vector<int> nCountH(rules.size(), 0);
  for(int row = 0; row < rules.size(); row++){
    for(int col = 0; col < rules[0].size(); col++){
      char ch = rules[row][col];
      if(ch == '+'){
        pCountH[row] += 1;
      else if(ch == '-'){
        nCountH[row] += 1;
  vector<int> pCountV(rules[0].size(), 0);
  vector<int> nCountV(rules[0].size(), 0);
  for(int col = 0; col < rules[0].size(); col++){
    for(int row = 0; row < rules.size(); row++){
      char ch = rules[row][col];
      if(ch == '+'){
        pCountV[col] += 1;
      else if(ch == '-'){
        nCountV[col] += 1;
  for(int row = 0; row < rules.size(); row++){
    if(left[row] != -1){
      if(pCountH[row] != left[row]){
        return false;
    if (right[row] != -1){
      if(nCountH[row] != right[row]){
        return false;
  for(int col = 0; col < rules[0].size(); col++){
    if(top[col] != -1){
      if(pCountV[col] != top[col]){
        return false;
    if(bottom[col] != -1){
      if(nCountV[col] != bottom[col]){
        return false;
    // if (top[col] != -1 and pCountH[col] != top[col]) or (bottom[col] != -1 and nCountH[col] != bottom[col]) :
    // return False
  return true;   
bool canPutPatternHorizontally(vector<vector<char>> &rules,int i,int j, string pat){
  if( j-1>=0 and rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(i-1>=0 and rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(i-1>=0 and rules[i-1][j+1] == pat[1]){
    return false;
  else if(j+2 < rules[0].size() and rules[i][j+2] == pat[1]){
    return false;
  return true;  
bool canPutPatternVertically(vector<vector<char>> &rules,int i,int j, string pat){
  if( j-1>=0 and rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(i-1>=0 and rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(j+1 < rules[0].size() and rules[i][j+1] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  return true;  
void solveMagnets(vector<vector<char>> &rules, int i,int j){
  // check the constraint before printing
  if( i == rules.size() and j == 0){
      // Printing rules array.
      cout << "[";
      for(int indxi = 0; indxi < rules.size(); indxi++){
        cout << "[";
        for(int indxj = 0; indxj < rules[0].size(); indxj++){
          cout <<"'"<< rules[indxi][indxj] << "', ";
        cout << "]";
      cout << "]";
  else if(j >= rules[0].size()){
    solveMagnets(rules, i+1, 0);
  // normal cases
    if (rules[i][j] == 'L'){
      // option 1 +-
        rules[i][j] = '+';
        rules[i][j+1] = '-';
        rules[i][j] = 'L';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'R';
      // option 2 -+
        rules[i][j] = '-';
        rules[i][j+1] = '+';
        rules[i][j] = 'L';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'R';           
      // option 3 xx
      if((1 == 1) || canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"xx")){
        rules[i][j] = 'x';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'x';
        rules[i][j] = 'L';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'R';        
    // vertical check
    else if(rules[i][j] == 'T'){
      // option 1 +-
        rules[i][j] = '+';
        rules[i+1][j] = '-';
        rules[i][j] = 'T';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'B';       
      // option 2 -+
        rules[i][j] = '-';
        rules[i+1][j] = '+';
        rules[i][j] = 'T';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'B';
      // option 3 xx
      if ((1 == 1) or canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"xx")){
        rules[i][j] = 'x';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'x';
        rules[i][j] = 'T';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'B';          
void doTheStuff(vector<vector<char>> &rules,int i,int j){
  if(rules[i][j] == 'L' || rules[i][j] == 'R'){
    // option 1 +-
    if (canPutPatternHorizontally(rules, i, j ,"+-")){
      rules[i][j] = '+';
      rules[i][j+1] = '-';
    // option 2 -+
    // option 3 xx 
// Driver code
int main(){
  vector<vector<char>> rules = {
    {'L','R','L','R','T','T' },
    {'L','R','L','R','B','B' },
    {'T','T','T','T','L','R' },
    {'B','B','B','B','T','T' },
    {'L','R','L','R','B','B' }
// The code is contributed by Gautam goel.


// java  code implementation
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Main {
  public static boolean canPutPatternHorizontally(char[][] rules,int i,int j, char[] pat){
    if( j-1>=0 && rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]){
      return false;
    else if(i-1>=0 && rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]){
      return false;
    else if(i-1>=0 && rules[i-1][j+1] == pat[1]){
      return false;
    else if(j+2 < rules[0].length && rules[i][j+2] == pat[1]){
      return false;
    return true;  
  public static boolean checkConstraints(char[][] rules){
    int M = 5;
    int N = 6;
    int[] top = { 1, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1 };
    int[] bottom = {2, -1, -1, 2, -1, 3 };
    int[] left = {2, 3, -1, -1, -1};
    int[] right = {-1, -1, -1, 1, -1};
    int[] pCountH = new int[rules.length];
    for(int i= 0; i < rules.length; i++){
      pCountH[i] = 0;
    int[] nCountH = new int[rules.length];
    for(int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++){
      nCountH[i] = 0;
    for(int row = 0; row < rules.length; row++){
      for(int col = 0; col < rules[0].length; col++){
        char ch = rules[row][col];
        if(ch == '+'){
          pCountH[row] += 1;
        else if(ch == '-'){
          nCountH[row] += 1;
    int[] pCountV = new int[rules[0].length];
    for(int i= 0; i < rules[0].length; i++){
      pCountV[i] = 0;
    int[] nCountV = new int[rules[0].length];
    for(int i = 0; i < rules[0].length; i++){
      nCountV[i] = 0;
    for(int col = 0; col < rules[0].length; col++){
      for(int row = 0; row < rules.length; row++){
        char ch = rules[row][col];
        if(ch == '+'){
          pCountV[col] += 1;
        else if(ch == '-'){
          nCountV[col] += 1;
    for(int row = 0; row < rules.length; row++){
      if(left[row] != -1){
        if(pCountH[row] != left[row]){
          return false;
      if (right[row] != -1){
        if(nCountH[row] != right[row]){
          return false;
    for(int col = 0; col < rules[0].length; col++){
      if(top[col] != -1){
        if(pCountV[col] != top[col]){
          return false;
      if(bottom[col] != -1){
        if(nCountV[col] != bottom[col]){
          return false;
      // if (top[col] != -1 and pCountH[col] != top[col]) or (bottom[col] != -1 and nCountH[col] != bottom[col]) :
      // return False
    return true;   
  public static boolean canPutPatternVertically(char[][] rules,int i,int j, char[] pat){
    if( j-1>=0 && rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]){
      return false;
    else if(i-1>=0 && rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]){
      return false;
    else if(j+1 < rules[0].length && rules[i][j+1] == pat[0]){
      return false;
    return true;  
  public static void solveMagnets(char[][] rules, int i,int j){
    // check the constraint before printing
    if( i == rules.length && j == 0){
        // Printing rules array.
        for(int indxi = 0; indxi < rules.length; indxi++){
          for(int indxj = 0; indxj < rules[0].length; indxj++){
            System.out.print("'" + rules[indxi][indxj] + "', ");
    else if(j >= rules[0].length){
      solveMagnets(rules, i+1, 0);
    // normal cases
      if (rules[i][j] == 'L'){
        // option 1 +-
        if(canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"+-".toCharArray()) == true){
          rules[i][j] = '+';
          rules[i][j+1] = '-';
          rules[i][j] = 'L';
          rules[i][j+1] = 'R';
        // option 2 -+
        if(canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"-+".toCharArray()) == true){
          rules[i][j] = '-';
          rules[i][j+1] = '+';
          rules[i][j] = 'L';
          rules[i][j+1] = 'R';           
        // option 3 xx
        if((1 == 1) || canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"xx".toCharArray()) == true){
          rules[i][j] = 'x';
          rules[i][j+1] = 'x';
          rules[i][j] = 'L';
          rules[i][j+1] = 'R';        
      // vertical check
      else if(rules[i][j] == 'T'){
        // option 1 +-
        if(canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"+-".toCharArray()) == true){
          rules[i][j] = '+';
          rules[i+1][j] = '-';
          rules[i][j] = 'T';
          rules[i+1][j] = 'B';       
        // option 2 -+
        if(canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"-+".toCharArray()) == true){
          rules[i][j] = '-';
          rules[i+1][j] = '+';
          rules[i][j] = 'T';
          rules[i+1][j] = 'B';
        // option 3 xx
        if ((1 == 1) || canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"xx".toCharArray()) == true){
          rules[i][j] = 'x';
          rules[i+1][j] = 'x';
          rules[i][j] = 'T';
          rules[i+1][j] = 'B';          
  public static void doTheStuff(char[][] rules,int i,int j){
    if(rules[i][j] == 'L' || rules[i][j] == 'R'){
      // option 1 +-
      if (canPutPatternHorizontally(rules, i, j ,"+-".toCharArray()) == true){
        rules[i][j] = '+';
        rules[i][j+1] = '-';
      // option 2 -+
      // option 3 xx 
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    char[][] rules = {
      {'L','R','L','R','T','T' },
      {'L','R','L','R','B','B' },
      {'T','T','T','T','L','R' },
      {'B','B','B','B','T','T' },
      {'L','R','L','R','B','B' }
// The code is contributed by Nidhi goel.


# Write Python3 code here
M = 5
N = 6
top = [ 1, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1 ]
bottom = [ 2, -1, -1, 2, -1, 3 ]
left = [ 2, 3, -1, -1, -1 ]
right = [ -1, -1, -1, 1, -1 ]
rules = [["L","R","L","R","T","T" ],
                      [ "L","R","L","R","B","B" ],
                      [ "T","T","T","T","L","R" ],
                      [ "B","B","B","B","T","T" ],
                      [ "L","R","L","R","B","B" ]];
def canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,pat):
    if j-1>=0 and rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]:
        return False
    elif i-1>=0 and rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]:
        return False
    elif i-1>=0 and rules[i-1][j+1] == pat[1]:
        return False
    elif j+2 < len(rules[0]) and rules[i][j+2] == pat[1]:
        return False
    return True
def canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,pat):
    if j-1>=0 and rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]:
        return False
    elif i-1>=0 and rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]:
        return False
    elif j+1 < len(rules[0]) and rules[i][j+1] == pat[0]:
        return False
    return True
def doTheStuff(rules,i,j):
    if rules[i][j] == "L" or rules[i][j] == "R":
        #        option 1 +-
        if canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"+-"):
            rules[i][j] = "+"
            rules[i][j+1] = "-"
        #        option 2 -+
        #        option 3 xx
def checkConstraints(rules):
    pCountH = [0 for i in range(len(rules))]
    nCountH = [0 for i in range(len(rules))]
    for row in range(len(rules)):
        for col in range(len(rules[0])):
            ch = rules[row][col]
            if ch == "+":
                pCountH[row] += 1
            elif ch == "-":
                nCountH[row] += 1
    pCountV = [0 for i in range(len(rules[0]))]
    nCountV = [0 for i in range(len(rules[0]))]
    for col in range(len(rules[0])):
        for row in range(len(rules)):
            ch = rules[row][col]
            if ch == "+":
                pCountV[col] += 1
            elif ch == "-":
                nCountV[col] += 1
    for row in range(len(rules)):
        if left[row] != -1:
            if pCountH[row] != left[row]:
                return False
        if right[row] != -1:
            if nCountH[row] != right[row]:
                return False
    for col in range(len(rules[0])):
        if top[col] != -1:
            if pCountV[col] != top[col]:
                return False
        if bottom[col] != -1:
            if nCountV[col] != bottom[col]:
                return False
        #  if (top[col] != -1 and pCountH[col] != top[col]) or (bottom[col] != -1 and nCountH[col] != bottom[col]) :
        #      return False
    return True
def solveMagnets(rules,i,j):
    if i == len(rules) and j == 0:
        # check the constraint before printing
        if checkConstraints(rules):
    elif j >= len(rules[0]):
    # normal cases
        if rules[i][j] == "L":
            #  option 1 +-
            if canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"+-"):
                rules[i][j] = "+"
                rules[i][j+1] = "-"
                rules[i][j] = "L"
                rules[i][j+1] = "R"
            # option 2 -+
            if canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"-+"):
                rules[i][j] = "-"
                rules[i][j+1] = "+"
                rules[i][j] = "L"
                rules[i][j+1] = "R"
            # option 3 xx
            if True or canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"xx"):
                rules[i][j] = "x"
                rules[i][j+1] = "x"
                rules[i][j] = "L"
                rules[i][j+1] = "R"
        #        vertical check
        elif rules[i][j] == "T":
            #        option 1 +-
            if canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"+-"):
                rules[i][j] = "+"
                rules[i+1][j] = "-"
                rules[i][j] = "T"
                rules[i+1][j] = "B"
            #        option 2 -+
            if canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"-+"):
                rules[i][j] = "-"
                rules[i+1][j] = "+"
                rules[i][j] = "T"
                rules[i+1][j] = "B"
            #        option 3 xx
            if True or canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"xx"):
                rules[i][j] = "x"
                rules[i+1][j] = "x"
                rules[i][j] = "T"
                rules[i+1][j] = "B"
# Driver code        


using System;
class Program
    // Arrays to store constraints for each side
    static int[] top = { 1, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1 };
    static int[] bottom = { 2, -1, -1, 2, -1, 3 };
    static int[] left = { 2, 3, -1, -1, -1 };
    static int[] right = { -1, -1, -1, 1, -1 };
    // Function to check if the current configuration satisfies the constraints
    static bool CheckConstraints(char[][] rules)
        int[] pCountH = new int[rules.Length];
        int[] nCountH = new int[rules.Length];
        // Count the number of '+' and '-' in each row
        for (int row = 0; row < rules.Length; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < rules[0].Length; col++)
                char ch = rules[row][col];
                if (ch == '+')
                    pCountH[row] += 1;
                else if (ch == '-')
                    nCountH[row] += 1;
        int[] pCountV = new int[rules[0].Length];
        int[] nCountV = new int[rules[0].Length];
        // Count the number of '+' and '-' in each column
        for (int col = 0; col < rules[0].Length; col++)
            for (int row = 0; row < rules.Length; row++)
                char ch = rules[row][col];
                if (ch == '+')
                    pCountV[col] += 1;
                else if (ch == '-')
                    nCountV[col] += 1;
        // Check constraints for each side
        for (int row = 0; row < rules.Length; row++)
            if (left[row] != -1)
                if (pCountH[row] != left[row])
                    return false;
            if (right[row] != -1)
                if (nCountH[row] != right[row])
                    return false;
        for (int col = 0; col < rules[0].Length; col++)
            if (top[col] != -1)
                if (pCountV[col] != top[col])
                    return false;
            if (bottom[col] != -1)
                if (nCountV[col] != bottom[col])
                    return false;
        return true;
    // Function to check if a horizontal pattern can be placed at the specified position
    static bool CanPutPatternHorizontally(char[][] rules, int i, int j, string pat)
        if (j - 1 >= 0 && rules[i][j - 1] == pat[0])
            return false;
        else if (i - 1 >= 0 && rules[i - 1][j] == pat[0])
            return false;
        else if (i - 1 >= 0 && rules[i - 1][j + 1] == pat[1])
            return false;
        else if (j + 2 < rules[0].Length && rules[i][j + 2] == pat[1])
            return false;
        return true;
    // Function to check if a vertical pattern can be placed at the specified position
    static bool CanPutPatternVertically(char[][] rules, int i, int j, string pat)
        if (j - 1 >= 0 && rules[i][j - 1] == pat[0])
            return false;
        else if (i - 1 >= 0 && rules[i - 1][j] == pat[0])
            return false;
        else if (j + 1 < rules[0].Length && rules[i][j + 1] == pat[1])
            return false;
        return true;
    // Function to solve the magnet puzzle using backtracking
    static void SolveMagnets(char[][] rules, int i, int j)
        // If the entire grid is processed, check and print the solution if valid
        if (i == rules.Length && j == 0)
            if (CheckConstraints(rules))
                for (int indxi = 0; indxi < rules.Length; indxi++)
                    for (int indxj = 0; indxj < rules[0].Length; indxj++)
                        char magnet = rules[indxi][indxj];
                        if (magnet == 'L' || magnet == 'R' || magnet == 'T' || magnet == 'B')
                            Console.Write("'x', ");
                            Console.Write($"'{magnet}', ");
        // If the end of a row is reached, move to the next row
        else if (j >= rules[0].Length)
            SolveMagnets(rules, i + 1, 0);
            // Check for placing horizontal patterns
            if (rules[i][j] == 'L')
                if (CanPutPatternHorizontally(rules, i, j, "+-"))
                    rules[i][j] = '+';
                    rules[i][j + 1] = '-';
                    SolveMagnets(rules, i, j + 2);
                    rules[i][j] = 'L';
                    rules[i][j + 1] = 'R';
                if (CanPutPatternHorizontally(rules, i, j, "-+"))
                    rules[i][j] = '-';
                    rules[i][j + 1] = '+';
                    SolveMagnets(rules, i, j + 2);
                    rules[i][j] = 'L';
                    rules[i][j + 1] = 'R';
                if (CanPutPatternHorizontally(rules, i, j, "xx"))
                    rules[i][j] = 'L';
                    rules[i][j + 1] = 'R';
                    SolveMagnets(rules, i, j + 2);
                    rules[i][j] = 'L';
                    rules[i][j + 1] = 'R';
            // Check for placing vertical patterns
            else if (rules[i][j] == 'T')
                if (CanPutPatternVertically(rules, i, j, "+-"))
                    rules[i][j] = '+';
                    rules[i + 1][j] = '-';
                    SolveMagnets(rules, i, j + 1);
                    rules[i][j] = 'T';
                    rules[i + 1][j] = 'B';
                if (CanPutPatternVertically(rules, i, j, "-+"))
                    rules[i][j] = '-';
                    rules[i + 1][j] = '+';
                    SolveMagnets(rules, i, j + 1);
                    rules[i][j] = 'T';
                    rules[i + 1][j] = 'B';
                if (CanPutPatternVertically(rules, i, j, "xx"))
                    rules[i][j] = 'T';
                    rules[i + 1][j] = 'B';
                    SolveMagnets(rules, i, j + 1);
                    rules[i][j] = 'T';
                    rules[i + 1][j] = 'B';
            // Move to the next cell
                SolveMagnets(rules, i, j + 1);
    static void Main()
        // Initial configuration of magnets
        char[][] rules = new char[][]
            new char[] { 'L', 'R', 'L', 'R', 'T', 'T' },
            new char[] { 'L', 'R', 'L', 'R', 'B', 'B' },
            new char[] { 'T', 'T', 'T', 'T', 'L', 'R' },
            new char[] { 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'T', 'T' },
            new char[] { 'L', 'R', 'L', 'R', 'B', 'B' }
        // Solve the magnet puzzle
        SolveMagnets(rules, 0, 0);


// javascript code here
function checkConstraints(rules){
  let M = 5;
  let N = 6;
  let top = [ 1, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1 ];
  let bottom = [2, -1, -1, 2, -1, 3 ];
  let left = [2, 3, -1, -1, -1];
  let right = [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1];
  let pCountH = new Array(rules.length).fill(0);
  let nCountH = new Array(rules.length).fill(0);
  for(let row = 0; row < rules.length; row++){
    for(let col = 0; col < rules[0].length; col++){
      let ch = rules[row][col];
      if(ch == '+'){
        pCountH[row] += 1;
      else if(ch == '-'){
        nCountH[row] += 1;
  let pCountV = new Array(rules[0].length).fill(0);
  let nCountV = new Array(rules[0].length).fill(0);
  for(let col = 0; col < rules[0].length; col++){
    for(let row = 0; row < rules.length; row++){
      let ch = rules[row][col];
      if(ch == '+'){
        pCountV[col] += 1;
      else if(ch == '-'){
        nCountV[col] += 1;
  for(let row = 0; row < rules.length; row++){
    if(left[row] != -1){
      if(pCountH[row] != left[row]){
        return false;
    if (right[row] != -1){
      if(nCountH[row] != right[row]){
        return false;
  for(let col = 0; col < rules[0].length; col++){
    if(top[col] != -1){
      if(pCountV[col] != top[col]){
        return false;
    if(bottom[col] != -1){
      if(nCountV[col] != bottom[col]){
        return false;
    // if (top[col] != -1 and pCountH[col] != top[col]) or (bottom[col] != -1 and nCountH[col] != bottom[col]) :
    // return False
  return true;   
function canPutPatternHorizontally(rules, i, j,  pat){
  if( j-1>=0 && rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(i-1>=0 && rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(i-1>=0 && rules[i-1][j+1] == pat[1]){
    return false;
  else if(j+2 < rules[0].length && rules[i][j+2] == pat[1]){
    return false;
  return true;  
function canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j, pat){
  if( j-1>=0 && rules[i][j-1] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(i-1>=0 && rules[i-1][j] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  else if(j+1 < rules[0].length && rules[i][j+1] == pat[0]){
    return false;
  return true;  
function solveMagnets(rules, i,j){
  // check the constraint before printing
  if( i == rules.length && j == 0){
      // Printing rules array.
  else if(j >= rules[0].length){
    solveMagnets(rules, i+1, 0);
  // normal cases
    if (rules[i][j] == 'L'){
      // option 1 +-
        rules[i][j] = '+';
        rules[i][j+1] = '-';
        rules[i][j] = 'L';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'R';
      // option 2 -+
        rules[i][j] = '-';
        rules[i][j+1] = '+';
        rules[i][j] = 'L';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'R';           
      // option 3 xx
      if((1 == 1) || canPutPatternHorizontally(rules,i,j,"xx")){
        rules[i][j] = 'x';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'x';
        rules[i][j] = 'L';
        rules[i][j+1] = 'R';        
    // vertical check
    else if(rules[i][j] == 'T'){
      // option 1 +-
        rules[i][j] = '+';
        rules[i+1][j] = '-';
        rules[i][j] = 'T';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'B';       
      // option 2 -+
        rules[i][j] = '-';
        rules[i+1][j] = '+';
        rules[i][j] = 'T';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'B';
      // option 3 xx
      if ((1 == 1) || canPutPatternVertically(rules,i,j,"xx")){
        rules[i][j] = 'x';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'x';
        rules[i][j] = 'T';
        rules[i+1][j] = 'B';          
function doTheStuff(rules, i, j){
  if(rules[i][j] == 'L' || rules[i][j] == 'R'){
    // option 1 +-
    if (canPutPatternHorizontally(rules, i, j ,"+-")){
      rules[i][j] = '+';
      rules[i][j+1] = '-';
    // option 2 -+
    // option 3 xx 
// Driver code
let rules = [
// The code is contributed by Nidhi goel.

[['+', '-', '+', '-', 'x', '-', ]['-', '+', '-', '+', 'x', '+', ]['x', 'x', '+', '-', '+', '-', ]['x', 'x', '-', '+', 'x', '+', ]['-', '+', 'x', 'x', 'x', '-', ]]

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