Magnesium Nitrate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Nitrate compounds are water-soluble in most cases. The oxidizing agents are known to be nitrate compounds. The nitrate compounds have the potential to generate a combustible mixture when mixed with hydrocarbons. Nitrates are good precursors for the creation of ultra-pure chemicals, as well as specific catalyst and nanoscale materials. The inorganic salts of a given metal cation and the nitrate anion are known to be all metallic nitrates.

Magnesium Nitrate 

Magnesium nitrate, also known as Mg(NO3)2, is an inorganic nitrate salt of the element magnesium with the chemical name magnesium nitrate. Magnesium nitrate, also known as magnesian, magnesium dinitrate, or Nntromagnesite, is a mineral composed of magnesium and nitrogen. In the field of pyrotechnics, it is commonly employed. Magnesium dinitrate is a crystalline, hygroscopic solid that is white in color. It occurs naturally in caverns and mines and is extremely soluble in water and ethanol.

Structure of Magnesium Nitrate

Magnesium Nitrate has the chemical formula Mg(NO3)2. Furthermore, the same has a molar mass of 148.32 gmol-1. The hydrated forms of this salt are dihydrate (Mg (NO3)2.H2O) and hexahydrate (Mg(NO3)2.6H2O). These have molar masses of 184.35 and 256.41 g mol-1, respectively. This salt is made up of one magnesium cation (Mg2+) and two nitrate anions (NO3).


Physical Properties of Magnesium Nitrate

  1. Magnesium nitrate is a crystalline white substance.
  2. It is water-soluble and ethanol and ammonia soluble to a lesser extent.
  3. It has a hygroscopic property. That is, it has a proclivity for absorbing moisture from the atmosphere.
  4. Magnesium nitrate has a melting point of 362 degrees Celsius.
  5. Magnesium nitrate has a density of 2.3g/cm3.

Chemical Properties of Magnesium Nitrate

  • Thermal Decomposition of Magnesium Nitrate: When magnesium nitrate is heated, it decomposes into nitrogen oxides.

2Mg(NO3)2 → 2MgO + 4NO2 + O2

  • The Reaction of Magnesium Nitrate with Sodium Carbonate: Magnesium nitrate forms magnesium carbonate and sodium nitrate when it combines with sodium carbonate.


  • The Reaction of Magnesium Nitrate with Sodium Hydroxide: When magnesium nitrate reacts with sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrate and magnesium hydroxide are formed.

Mg(NO3)2 + 2NaOH → Mg(OH)2 + 2NaNO3

  • The Reaction of Magnesium Nitrate with Sulfuric Acid: Magnesium nitrate becomes magnesium sulfate and nitric acid when it interacts with sulfuric acid.

H2SO4 + Mg(NO3)2 → MgSO4 + 2HNO3

  • The Reaction of Magnesium Nitrate with Sodium Phosphate: When magnesium nitrate interacts with sodium phosphate, sodium nitrate and magnesium phosphate is produced.

3Mg(NO3)2 + 2Na3PO4 → 6NaNO3 + Mg3(PO4)2

Uses of Magnesium Nitrate

  1. Magnesium nitrate is utilized as a desiccant because of its hygroscopic properties.
  2. It is employed as a dehydrating agent in the production of nitric acid.
  3. It’s also found in fertilizers.
  4. Magnesium nitrate is a common ingredient in hair conditioners.
  5. Preservatives and antioxidants contain it.
  6. It is employed as a catalyst in the production of petrochemicals and desensitizers.
  7. Magnesium nitrate is used instead of sulfuric acid in the purification of nitric acid.
  8. Magnesium nitrate is used in ink, toner, and colorant products as a dehydrating agent.
  9. As a binding agent, magnesium nitrate is utilized.
  10. Textiles, paints, and plastics all employ it as a filler.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What type of compound is magnesium nitrate?


The ionic compound Magnesium Nitrate is made up of the cation Magnesium Mg2+ and the polyatomic anion Nitrate NO3. In order for these two ions to bind, their charges must be equal and opposing. To balance the one + 2 magnesium ion, two -1 nitrate ions are required.

Question 2: What metal will react with magnesium nitrate?


Zinc, copper, and lead do not react with magnesium nitrate because magnesium is more reactive than the other metals in the activity sequence. As a result, none of the zinc, copper, or lead ions will displace magnesium ions from solution, and so no reaction will occur.

Question 3: How is Magnesium Nitrate Prepared?


Magnesium nitrate, which is very soluble in water, only occurs naturally as nitromagnesite in the hexahydrate form in mines and caves. The commercially available magnesium nitrate is created by reacting nitric acid with a variety of magnesium salts.

Question 4: Is magnesium nitrate safe for skin?


No, magnesium nitrate irritates the skin. As a result, it might cause skin irritation and is not skin-friendly. Hence, it can be said that magnesium nitrate is not at all safe for skin.

Question 5: What will happen when Magnesium Nitrate reacts with Sodium Carbonate?


When magnesium nitrate reacts with sodium carbonate, it produces magnesium carbonate and sodium nitrate.

Mg(NO3)2 + Na2CO3 → MgCO3 + 2NaNO3

Question 6: What will happen when Magnesium Nitrate reacts with Sulfuric Acid?


When magnesium nitrate reacts with sulfuric acid, it forms magnesium sulfate and nitric acid.

H2SO4 + Mg(NO3)2 → MgSO4 + 2HNO3

Question 7: What is the thermal decomposition of Magnesium Nitrate?


Magnesium nitrate decomposes into nitrogen oxides when heated.

2Mg(NO3)2 → 2MgO + 4NO2 + O2

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