Magnesium Carbonate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Magnesium (Mg) is a chemical element with an atomic number of 12 in the periodic table. It is a shiny gray solid and it is used in making strong lightweight alloys and is also used in flashbulbs and pyrotechnics. Carbon (C) is a chemical element and the atomic number is 6 in the periodic table. It is nonmetallic and has four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds. Carbon is about 0.025 percent of Earth’s crust. Oxygen (O) is the chemical element with atomic number 8 in the periodic table. It is a highly reactive nonmetal and an oxidant that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. 

Magnesium Carbonate

Magnesium Carbonate is an inorganic salt with the chemical name MgCO3. It is also called Magnesite. It is a light, bulky white powder and often acts as a fertilizer. It is odorless and is stable in the air. MgCO3 is insoluble in water and alcohol. Let’s learn about the formula, structure, properties, and uses of Magnesium carbonate,

Formula of Magnesium Carbonate

The chemical formula of Magnesium Carbonate is MgCO3.

Structure of Magnesium Carbonate


Physical Properties of Magnesium Carbonate

  • Magnesium Carbonate is available as a white powder. It is odorless and tasteless. 
  • The Molecular mass of Magnesium Carbonate is 84.3139 g/mol.
  • The Density of Magnesium Carbonate is 2.958 g/cm3.
  • The Melting point of Magnesium Carbonate is 350°C.

Chemical Properties of Magnesium Carbonate

  • It is prepared in the laboratory when sodium bicarbonate is reacted with magnesium salt.                    

MgCl2(aq) + 2NaHCO3(aq) → MgCO3(s) + 2NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g).

  • When magnesium chloride is reacted with aqueous sodium carbonate, a hydrated complex of magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide precipitate of magnesium carbonate, is formed.           

5MgCl2(aq) + 5Na2CO3(aq) + 5H2O(l) → Mg(OH)2·3MgCO3·3H2O(s) + Mg(HCO3)2(aq) + 10NaCl(aq)

  •  Industrially it can be obtained by combining magnesium hydroxide and carbon dioxide at normal temperature and high pressure. Bicarbonate loses carbon dioxide (CO2) and water molecules on vacuum drying,

Mg(OH)2 + 2 CO2 → Mg(HCO3)2

Mg(HCO3)2 → MgCO3 + CO2 + H2O.

Uses of Magnesium Carbonate

  • It is mainly used in processing magnesium oxide
  • It is used in food as a drying agent. It is used as a filtering agent.
  • It is used in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.
  • It is used as a rubber reinforcing agent, anti-caking agent in food, and fire-extinguishing.
  • It is used in the manufacturing of cosmetics, materials that are capable of withstanding extremely high.
  • It is used in making mineral water.

Sample Questions

Question 1: Is magnesium carbonate toxic?


Magnesium carbonate is an inorganic chemical compound with the formula MgCO3. Under ambient conditions, it is a white solid and is non toxic to humans.

Question 2: What is magnesium carbonate used for?


  • Magnesium carbonate is used in processing magnesium oxide. These minerals are used to make refractory bricks. MgCO3 is also used in fire extinguishing, cosmetics, dusting powder, fireproofing, etc.
  • It relieve symptoms of excessive stomach acidity in patients with indigestion, heartburn or gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder.
  • It is used to fight depression, to reduce blood pressure, to help prevent migraines, to reduce insulin resistance and to boost exercise performance.

Question 3: How is magnesium carbonate produced?


It is prepared via the mining of the mineral magnesite. In the laboratory, it can be prepared by reaction of any soluble magnesium salt and sodium bicarbonate.

Question 4: What are the Health hazards of Magnesium Carbonate?


  • When it is comes in contact with the eyes and skin it causes irritation.
  • It has side effects like decreased alertness, headache, drowsiness or dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and weakness  hypotension, facial flushing, urinary retention, ileus, and lethargy, which may lead to weakness of muscles, severe hypotension, arrhythmia, heart arrest.

Question 5: Does magnesium carbonate help you sleep?


It helps to regulate the quality of sleep and also it assist to get to sleep easily, but it also helps to get  profound and restful sleep.

Question 6:  What is magnesium carbonate hydrate?


Magnesium Carbonate Hydrate is a water-insoluble source of magnesium that can be transformed by heating with the other magnesium compounds. 

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